Chapter Eight: Photos

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After finishing off our dinner. Me and Jimin started cleaning up. I placed Jhope's, Daehyung's and Jin's dinner in the microwave until they got back. My chair could only go a few places in this house.

"This house was not meant for people in wheelchairs." Jimin laughed as he helped me into the living room. He sat me down on the couch turning on the tv for both of us to watch something. But ten minutes later he turned it off.

"So watching tv is out the question. Nothing good is on." Jimin said in frustration.

"Do you have any board games?" I asked Jimin.

"Yeah. But Jin keeps them in the top of his closest, so I can't reach them. What can we do to pass time?" Jimin said standing up. He started walking back and forth until he snapped his fingers.

"I'll show you some baby pictures of us. You'll laugh at Jhope's." Jimin said running to a cabinet. He pulled out five baby albums flopping down beside me. He placed the albums in our laps and started flipping through them.

"Is that Jin?" I asked in disbelieve. Jimin started busting out laughing.

"His first Halloween he dressed up as a fairy. Don't ever tell anyone I showed you this. Jin is so embarrassed. His mom had four boys and Jin was the youngest, his mom wanted a girl so for his two first years his mom dressed him up as a girl. Here's another one." Jimin said pointing to another picture. This time he showed me a picture of Jin in dress. A pretty yellow and pink dress. With a pink bow in his hair. I keep laughing until I seen a familiar face.

"Is that Jhope?" I asked pointing to a picture.

"Yep. Can't believe it's the same person right?" Jimin said.

"He never smiles like that anymore." I said smiling at the baby picture of Jhope. Under the photo read Baby Junghoseok.

"Jung Hoseok is Jhope. Why does he go by Jhope?" I asked

"In the world of gangs here in Korea, Jhope gets his name from hope. A lot of people thought he would be the biggest hope to the streets. And for awhile he was, until Felix came. Felix has broken up tons of gangs excluding ours. See this picture." Jimin said flipping through the book. He landed on a picture that looked somewhat resent. I saw Jimin, Jin, and Jhope. But I also saw four unfamiliar faces.

"That's Kookie, Rapmon, V, and Suga. We use to be best friends until that Felix guy came along. He messed with their minds making them believe what he's doing is right. Killing people is not alright. I mean this boy Kookie use to be afraid of girls. Now he's banging one every night, and then let's Felix have them. I don't think Kookie knows that Felix is doing human trafficking." Jimin's words felt so cold. I could see it was hurting him to talk about them.

"Hopefully Jhope will find him and get your friends back." I said looking out the window.

Sorry if it's really short. I promise the next one will be longer with more action.

Can we just have a moment to say how adorable Jhope was as a child.


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