Chapter Twenty: Trigger

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Jihye's POV

After watching the first movie me and Kookie decided to head off to bed. It was already eight o'clock and I remembered what Rapmon and Suga told me. I don't think Kookie is a monster after nine o'clock but I'm still not dumb enough to chance it. I started grabbing a empty soda can when Kookie ran over.

"I'll pick them up." Kookie said. He tried grabbing the empty soda cans from my hands but I turn away before he could take them.

"No, you go to sleep. I saw you yawning a few times during the movie. You need the sleep. I've got this, head onto bed." I said smiling walking to the trash can.

"Are you sure?" He asked walking up to me.

"Yeah really, it's just a few empty cans, two plates, and a empty pizza box. If I can't handle this, then I might need help for real." I said laughing.

"Okay, well goodnight Jihye." Kookie said pinching my cheeks.

"Goodnight." I slapped his hands away annoyed. I just don't like people pinching my cheeks. It reminds me of my grandma growing up. I swear every time I left her house my cheeks were swollen.

Four soda cans later, two plates washed and put away, and one pizza box thrown in the trash I was done. I turned off the tv and living room lamp before walking to my room. I made sure to lock my door as I closed it. I changed into my soft white and red pajamas before jumping into my bed. I feel asleep pretty fast but didn't stay asleep for long. I jumped up looking at my clock. It's already pass midnight. I can't leave the room.

After a few minutes I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I have to pee." I said to myself. I grabbed my slipper boots before easily walking to my bedroom door. I slowly and quietly tried to unlock it. After what seemed like forever I was then opening it very easy. The bathroom is right pass Kookie's bedroom. I thought. I peeped my head out to hear nothing. Even a pen dropping would be a loud noise through out the house.

I took in mutable breaths before having the courage to walk out the bedroom. My heart raced as I looked at Kookie's bedroom door. It was slightly closed but I could hear his breathing as I tip toed passed his bedroom door. Thank god he's sleeping.

Once I got to the bathroom door I easily closed it behind me. I turned on the light before pee two whole cans of soda. I promise I'll remember to never drink soda before bed again. I decided to not flush the toilet just in case. I'm still not taking the chance.

After I quietly open the bathroom door I start walking pass Kookie's bedroom door again. I couldn't hear any snoring but didn't think that much about it. I, so close to my bedroom. I took one last step passed Kookie's door and was almost to my bedroom door when I was jerked into Kookie's bedroom.

"K-Kookie." My voice started to shake with my whole body as I saw the figure in front of me. He closed the bedroom door locking it as well. I took a step back as he took a step forward.

"Kookie it's Jihye." I said still frighten.

"I'm not Kookie." Even his voice was completely different. It sounded more sharp like it could cut through glass. The moonlight shined through his bedroom window as I looked at his eyes. Usually his adorable dark brown eyes could be seen, but tonight they looked jet black. More than less he wasn't lying. The person standing in front of me was no where near Kookie.

"Listen Kookie-" I was cut off by a slap to the face. A slap so powerful I fell back onto his bed.

"I'M NOT KOOKIE!" He screamed making me jump. Calling him Kookie seems to trigger something inside of him. I'm guessing Kookie isn't who I'm talking with, but someone else.

I tried looking up at him without making eye contact. He's terrifying me to almost death, but I've got to stay strong and get out of here. How though? He's standing right in front of me, right above me, and he has the door locked. I'm afraid I make one move and he's going to kill me, but if I sit here, he might also. Maybe if I try easily starting a conversation he'll wake up and be Kookie again.

"So...what would you like for me to call you?" I asked still shaking.

"Jungkook. That Kookie nickname is so freaking childish. It's stupid and ugly. And I especially hate it when you say it. Try calling me Jungkook." He smirked taking a step closer towards me. I need to get out of here. I reached behind me grabbing a pillow. I hit him only making him more angry. I then jumped up grabbing a book on his night stand hitting him in the head. I quickly ran passed him only to get pulled back by my hair. I swear he just ripped out most of my hair.

"Jungkook!" I screamed as he held a tight grip of my hair.

"See that's better then that ugly nickname." He replied throwing me back towards the bed. I fell with him falling on top of me. My mind went blank as I felt the uncomfortable position I was in. The position I wanted out of.

"Get off me!" I screamed hitting him. He didn't move until I kicked him in the crotch making him holding it falling to his side. I took the opportunity to quickly unlock his door running to mine. I closed, locked, and threw a chair in front of it. I ran over to a corner of my room crawling into a not.

That wasn't the funny, goofy, smiling, charming Kookie I know. It's like he was a monster. Why is he like this? How did he get like this?

I didn't hear anything for awhile but then I could hear stuff breaking. He's destroying the house. I thought. Another glass broke. Another large object thrown. Everything he could get his hands on he was throwing. After a few minutes he went silent which scared me even more. Hearing him break things down stairs was one thing mostly because he was down stairs. But hearing quietness was more scary.

"AH!" I heard him start to bang on my bedroom door which made me scream. He kept banging until he decided to stop, which was ten minutes later.

So this is the Kookie they were telling me to watch out for. I really care for Kookie but I want out this house.

So yeah, I cut off hear because it's passed one am here and I need sleep. I was going to keep going but I didn't know it was this late. I'll publish another part soon to continue with this.

And hopefully Jungkook will turn back into Kookie for Jihye's sake.

Thanks for reading!

                                          Anyways,                                    Thanks for reading!

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