Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fight

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Jhope's POV

Once we enter Felix's place we automatically surrounded by his guys. At first it seemed like only a few but then I kept seeing them. Does he have a hundred or so guys here?

"The boss isn't very happy with you guys. He's been looking for you all morning." One of the guys said as we walked by. I guess not very well. We were in the same house they took Jin from.

"Where's Felix?" Rapmon demand.

"In his office. He'll be happy to know the two teams he liked turned on him so fast are here." Another said going up a flight of stairs. Me, Rapmon, Suga, Jin, Jimin, and even the twins were all back to back against each other. We're not taking a chance with these guys. Not today, not ever.

"Right now!" Felix screamed just enough for us all to look up. A second later you could hear his office door slam shut and him running down the stairs. In his hand he held a axe with a sinister smile on his face.

"What gives me the pleasure of you guys coming to me and me not finding you? Oh wait, the question I should be asking is why am I still looking at your heads still attached!" He shouted.

"We're done." Rapmon spoke.

"Damn right you are! I told you to wait thirty days to see that little bitch, but no you had to break the rules. It seems like since she's came in all of your life's everyone has changed. You got the twins on your side. You got the team back together. Maybe I should have killed that bitch when I first sent Suga to spy on her!" Felix screamed.

I wanted to hit him a million times in the head for calling Jihye a bitch, but I couldn't help but wonder what he meant with the last part. Suga to spy on Jihye? Why?

"Why were you spying on Jihye?" I asked Suga who was to my right.

"Felix asked me to keep a eye on all the people he threw out the apartment just in case one of them had the nerve to call the police. He especially asked me to keep a eye on Jihye, he thought she would be the first one to speak. But once I saw you and her walking down the street I told Felix." For once Suga actually seemed hesitate to answer but once he finally got that nerve he spilled everything.

"So because of you Jihye became in danger! Because of you her life was at risk!"I growled turning around to face Suga.

"Jhope this isn't the time. Don't do this. It's nothing that can't wait until later. This is just what he wants." Jin tried calming me down but it was impossible.

"Shut up!" I snapped at Jin before turning back to Suga.

"Hey, I didn't think he would really go all crazy shit for this girl. Maybe a few threats but he never told me to touch her, okay." Suga defending himself taking a step backwards.

"Don't feed me that bullshit! I know you've always wanted to see our team go down!" I screamed back feeling my anger rise.

"Oh shut up you pathetic-" Suga started to shout back but was cut off by both Rapmon and Jin hitting us on the head.

"This isn't what we came here for." Rapmon barked.

"Yes, that's because I want to rip you fucking heads off!" And in a flash Felix started swinging his axe barely missing my head. I looked over at Suga who was holding my arm with wide eyes. He just pulled me away from getting my head cut off even if I just accused him of trying to kill us all.

"Don't just stand there!" Jin yelled pulling out his gun. Before my very eyes everyone was running and bullets were flying. I ran along with Suga to hide behind a wall as we had to process what was just happening. I really didn't expect for the gang war to just..happen. I've done this plenty of times to know that we don't just go swinging axes and shooting bullets when we first arrive.

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