When Night comes

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I spent most of my day in the room, simply remembering everything that happened to me.

Why does this happen to me?

It was starting to get dark and I grew more and more depressed as each second passed.

Suddenly my skin started to burn, I quickly looked at my burning skin to only see the light of the moon on my skin but it burned like hell. I screamed at the top of my lungs as something inside me snapped. I quickly ran to the corner assuming something bad was happening to me.

Did Gandalf put something on me?

I looked at my hands and saw that they were turning grey and black again. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" I shouted, I ran to the mirror and looked at it to see the orc that I really am. "NO!" I shouted but this time it was my Orc voice and lastly my eyes turned a nasty color of pure grey. With that I picked up the mirror and threw it across the room.

(Note: A picture of Eleniel being an Orc is on the side, Yes! she looks like the Pale Orc.)

Then all of a sudden people barged into my room making me scared and afraid of what might happen next. I ran to the corner of the room trying to hide but I was already spotted. A human with blonde hair shouted "It's an Orc!!" he was about to charge at me as I flinched by the word orc.

Gandalf stopped him before he could go any further with a sword in his hand. Gandalf raised his eyebrows, a confused Aragorn and Prince Legolas standing behind him. Gandalf called out "Eleniel if it is you please come out slowly," he said in the elvish so he could know it is me. I hesitated if I should go out and reveal myself, scared that Prince Legolas will feel disgusted with me but also afraid to not reveal myself for they will kill me if not.

I sighed and slowly walked to the room where the moonlight was and showed my face. The human with blonde hair dropped his swords while the rest dropped their jaws, except for Gandalf. I suddenly felt tears in my eyes then in a blink of an eye a tear slid down my ugly face. I was tall and ugly and even worse an orc.

"You have the curse of the Pale Orc," Gandalf said as he opened his arms indicating that I could hug him. I quickly ran to him and hugged him even though I was a tall orc, Gandalf was still taller than me. I started sobbing which was kind of creepy since my voice was deep.  I looked over to Aragorn and Prince Legolas who had a very concerned face. Aragorn put a comforting hand on my shoulder while Prince Legolas gave me a weak smile.

They let me sleep through the night making sure that someone guarded my door so no one can come in and kill me. And when morning came Gandalf, Aragorn, Prince Legolas, and a Dwarf named Gimli came to my room to discuss things since soon they were moving back to Rohan.

I was looking at the ground sadly knowing that when night comes I would turn into an Orc. "Eleniel, would you care to tell me the story now?" Gandalf asked as he gave me a smile. "I lived in Mirkwood in a small town near the palace," I said but Prince Legolas suddenly asked "So you know me? Do I know you?" I frowned and said "No, But I knew you but you know my mother, Geliriel Rosewood," I said his eyes widen as to show that he knows her.

"500-years-ago, I was captured by a party of Orcs," I said but again Prince Legolas interrupted me. "So you are the missing daughter. We found your parents body.... dead," he said but it alarmed me even more. "So my sister is still alive?!" I quickly asked sitting up with tears starting to pour. He smiled and said "Adanessa was sent to Rivendell. She was drowning in grief that's when Lord Elrond has offered to take her in," making my heart filled with joy.

I smiled as tears ran down my face and whispered "Thank you!" Everyone smiled but Gandalf asked "What did they do to you?" Making my eyes reflect horror, pain, fear, and sorrow. Prince Legolas flinched since he could see all those feelings in my eyes. "They tortured me, abused me and... and.. and..." I said with my voice breaking not bearing to say what happened as I burst into tears my hands covering my face. I was glad I didn't had to say the word since everybody in the room knew exactly what happened. I could see all of them look down at the ground with so much sorrow but nothing compared to mine.

"What do you want to do now dear?" Gandalf asked, while Aragorn came to my side to cradle me like I was a little girl. "I.. I.. don't know," I said as I realized that there was nothing left for me in Middle Earth. "Maybe after the war... I might meet up with my sister to sail to the undying lands even though the sea isn't calling me but nothing is left for me here," I said as I buried my head into Aragorn's chest. Gandalf sighed and said "As you wish. You shall stay with us until then," Then he left the room, leaving me with Aragorn on my side and Prince Legolas in front of me.

Aragorn was stroking my hair then he sighed and said "You know you don't have to sail to the undying lands. Yes! As of now you say that nothing is left for you but maybe in the future when you go back home. People will finally notice you," he had a point there. There was another thing tying me down to Middle Earth and that was Prince Legolas.

Even though we were just people who ran into each other and not my fantasy of me meeting him in the great forest of Mirkwood where I was the damsel in distress but somehow it turned out like that, I was still the damsel in distress but more like Orc / Elleth in distress where my Prince Charming came to save me by stabbing me with a dagger and turning me back to normal.

"Maybe you want to see the light again with your own eyes?" Prince Legolas asked, making my eyes gleam with joy since my Elf eyes craved the green trees and the beautiful blue sky. I nodded my head and looked up to see Aragorn who smiled at me. Prince Legolas stood up and extended his hand for me to grab. I gently grabbed it feeling the warmth and softness of his hand and sighed as I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

We quickly walked to the main door before he could open it, he looked at me as if asking me as if I was ready and I nodded happily. Excited for what world held before me.

He opened the door and a bright light shined upon me, I adjusted my eyes to see the bright sun in the blue sky and green grass. My smile widen and once again I felt like a normal Elleth.

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now