Do you still love me?

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"How long do I have?" I asked Lady Galadriel

"Less than a 9 months"

The words kept echoing through my head, tears stained my face and they still fell as if I had a never ending pain which I do. The pain never stops to haunt me, it lets me enjoy the moment of happiness before it attacks and once I don't think of pain it strikes at the most unexpected time. Letting me suffer more than I already have.

Night came, ever since the curse has been lifted I look forward to every night but not this night. This night reminded me of the pain I went through, the screams I heard of people as they saw me, hearing their shouts as they called me 'a monster', it also reminded me that a monster was also growing inside of my stomach. I monster I wish to get rid of but sadly this baby was part of the curse if I remove the baby from my womb then I shall die. A stupid curse I shall say. 

Legolas never came to visit me ever since he stormed out the room, I wasn't sure if he didn't love me anymore due to my unexpected and horrible pregnancy or something else that I haven't thought of. I pushed myself off the bed making me sit just staring at the moon and the rain that fell from the sky with red puffy eyes. I don't think it is natural for me to cry this much I should have faded by now but the Valar wants me to suffer, it wants to see me break down and live this so called 'life' I have been living. 

I cringed as thunder sounded throughout the land, the thunder reminded me of the battle in Helms deep. The battle that killed me but at the same time brought me back to life, The battle that reunited me with my Prince. It's because of my Orc that I have met Legolas if I was never an Orc would Legolas still love me? Would he be marrying me? Would he even care about me? I got out of my bed and wrapped my arms around my body as my white nightgown swayed against the small breeze coming from my open balcony door. Tears still ran down my face not letting me have a break from shedding tears. 

I step one foot on the balcony feeling the cold wet ground against my feet, the rain was pouring heavily but I craved nothing more than to feel the coldness embrace me and to cry in the rain so no one could see my tears. As I push forward and I was finally under the rain which drenched me from head to toe in less than a minute. I made my way towards the railing to see the foggy view of the river put my hands on the railings and hung my head as I started to sob. My shoulders vibrating and I couldn't help but embrace the pain I let sorrow take over my body as I fell to my knees and cried against the railings of my balcony. The thunder blocked the sounds of my sobs.

I then felt a pair of hands garb my waist and brought me up to stand I turned around to see Legolas in nothing but a plain shirt that showed his chest and black leggings. He was standing under the rain with me looking at me intensely. "What are you doing?" he asked but I didn't answer his question I simply let out a sob and cried in my hands but instead of saying anything else he pulled me closer to him wrapping his protective arms around me. I cried in his chest not knowing what to do, How could I find the Orc that looked like me? There were tons of Orc bases around middle earth it would take more than a month to find that specific Orc and what happens if that Orc is already dead? Then what? continue to have an Orc for a baby? 

I pulled away from Legolas looking into his eyes only seeing pain and sorrow. "Do..--Do you still love me?" I stuttered as I asked the most dreaded question yet the most awaited he put a strand of my hair behind my ear and cupped my face with one hand as he said "Yes Melamin, I will always love you!" "But I am pregnant and not with yours" I said he then shot me a hurtful expression but then he quickly covered it up and said "We will find that Orc and you will kill it remember my dear Eleniel, my wife you are my lightness in the dark, my hope" as he smiled softly at me. He then pulled me into a sweet kiss but after some time of being locked onto his lips he then put more pressure turning our sweet kiss into a very passionate one.

He then scooped me up and brought me inside with both of our bodies drenched from the rain he didn't stop kissing me as he set me onto the ground. He then removed the sleaves of my nightgown and let my wet nightgown fall to the floor leaving me only in my see through chemise. Legolas pulled me closer and caressed every part of my body making sure no spot gets untouched I tangled my hands in his hair as sparks ran up and down my spine he then started to kiss my neck making me moan. I couldn't help but feel all warm now that Legolas' body was against mine. He pushed me on the bed and quickly but gracefully climbed on top of me. His hands running through my thighs making me moan his name.

 And even in the middle of our painful and unfair life someone would come into your life and give you a fairytale but this was no fairytale it was even better, this was reality. In a painful time Legolas could make me happy, he is the only one who could the only one who can. That night was a magical night where I willingly gave myself to the one I love. He moaned my name and I screamed his. We completed the elven bond where mine and Legolas' soul become one. 

Where we would finally be each others forever. 

I woke up to the sun shining through the room I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Legolas. How could I have been so lucky to be sleeping next to him? to wake up naked next to him? He then noticed that I was awake and he slowly opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at me. 

" 'Quel amrun Melamin" Legolas said (Good morning my love)

" 'Quel amrun rwalaer" I teased as I winked at him (Good morning lusty one)

"Do you still love me?" I asked Legolas as we both entwined our hands, his eyes flickered to me making my heart skip a beat. He then leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose and whispered

"Always and forever"

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now