Leave and never return

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Kissing the one person you have longed for was amazing, kissing Legolas that is. His lips were soft and warm and it was like time had stopped. For many years I have waited for this moment and many nights I have dreamed of this kiss. It was not like I imagined it to be, it was so much more. I didn't want the kiss to end, if only I could freeze time and be stuck in this moment, in his arms with his lips upon mine then I would be one lucky girl-- well I am kissing him so I am still lucky.

He then pulled away but I could still feel the tingles and his lips that lingered on my lips. He looked intensely into my eyes and said "I am here to bring you home" I was lost for words. What was I to say after kissing that one person you have always loved from the first time you ever saw him? I just stood still in his arms as he held me. He then started to lead me out of the prison and into the sunlight but that was the last thing I remembered. Because next thing I knew I was laying in a bed. I slowly opened my eyes and recognize that it was my room that King Thranduil let me use. I looked around but saw no one.

Was it all just a dream?

Suddenly Alassiel comes barging inside the door and wrapping her arms around my neck. "Oh my God Eleniel, I am so glad you alright" she whispered in relief as I felt tears soak my dress. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I remembered what happened to me and what the filthy Orcs did to me but who was I to judge the Orcs when I myself am one myself.

"Please tell me it was a dream" I started sobbing as I gently pushed Alassiel away from me, "Eleniel?" she called out as she took a few steps towards me trying to comfort me. "Please tell me it was a dream" I started sobbing loudly. As she tried to wrap her arms around me I pushed her away from me. "Oh Valar, Please tell me it was a dream!!" I shrieked. she then turned around and started running out the room shouting "Prince Legolas!!" as I curled into a balls letting out tears pour from my eyes like waterfalls. My heart was screaming and shouting 'please let this be a dream' but my mind was telling me-- that it's not, this is reality. Cold-ugly reality.

I then felt two hands grabbed my arms, my teary eyes opened and I saw Legolas and his concern face. "Please this be a dream" I whispered still crying my eyes out. He then tried giving me a warm smile but failed. I knew that this was reality. I then started sobbing even more, breaking down. I fell to my knees and he embraced me making me cry on his shoulder. His hand was rubbing my back up and down. Even though butterflies erupted in my stomach, still the pain that I went through damaged me. Was I able to ever heal? to ever be happy? If I wasn't in Legolas' arms right now I could've faded from a broken heart.

I then felt Legolas kissed my head. What was I to him?

He cradle me as if I was fragile. "I'm here" he cooed, I then started to melt in his arms. contented and happy to be there. I then broke away from his hug and stared into the blue pools of his eyes, wanting to stay in this position forever. but then he started leaning in and the moment was in slow motion, his lips were only inches away from mine and all I wanted to do was lean quickly to him and that's what I exactly did. As our lips met and moved together I knew we both especially I felt ecstasy.

but our kiss was cut off as the door slammed open, "Legolas we--" it was Tauriel, she cut herself off right as me and Legolas broke apart. My cheeks turned red and I bowed my head, looking at the ground. Tauriel didn't say anything as she ran out the door, Legolas broke from our embrace and shouted "Tauriel!!" as he chased after her. I felt heart broken. Who did Legolas exactly love? Did he kiss me because he had feelings? or he kissed me just to cheer me up? I hoped that it was the first one because just the thought of him kissing me just to see me smile, to see me happy breaks my heart even more. I then fell to the floor, feeling numb. I was now weak.

I then burst into uncontrollable sobs, my shoulders and body shaking violently. I just wanted to go back to the days where I would admire and love Legolas from the distance and only worry if he'll ever notice me rather than to experience being with him, in his arms and being able to touch his lips but wondering if those actions were only for me and not for anybody else. It hurt more than being kidnapped by Orcs.

Tears and more tears flowed from my eyes, there was only one way to deal with this, one way to escape the pain. Running away. but was I able to leave my homeland? to leave my best friend Alassiel? To leave the comforts of the palace that keeps me safe at night? and most especially leave the one person whom I ever loved, who makes me feel like I was on top of the mountains who saved me from everything.... Legolas?


I was packing my bag happily that no one decided to see me. Still tears were pouring from my eyes, it was like a never ending stock of pain and tears. As I wiped my face with my sleeves I heard the door open and my head whirled to see who it was, my heart beating fast-- scared to death that someone will witness me leave and report it to someone making them go after me.


But this wasn't the times she would burst through my door with a very mean look or disgusted look. This time she had tear stains on her face, her eyes were red and she was breathing heavily. I stopped putting clothes in my small bag and just stared at her as we both were silent. she then closed the door behind her, she took a deep breath and said "You should leave..."

"..You should leave, you cause nothing but pain and danger here" her words piercing my heart. Not because they were hurtful but because she spoke the truth. Every single word she said was absolutely true and the truth hurts. "LEAVE ALREADY!" she shrieked as more tears fell from her eyes. I flinched back and packed my bag more quickly. She started sobbing in front of me as tears flowed down her face. As I was done packing my bag I quickly went to my window and said "Can you please tell Legolas th--" but she cut me off by saying "No! Don't leave messages, no attachments. You caused him enough troubles. Do everyone a favor... leave and never return"

I then closed my eyes as I felt tears escaping my eyes. I was gonna miss Mirkwood so much.

but mostly I would miss Legolas.

Would he miss me?

Okay! I have seen Tauriel in the hobbit and I won't deny it-- she was so AWESOME!! but the way they showed it like Legolas liked her or something just grinds my gear. but still she is awesome. ALL IN ALL the hobbit: Desolation of Smaug was-- EPIC!!!!

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now