Killing the pale Orc

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Hey guys! Drama is almost over! :D I just want to Thank you guys for supporting this story and I promised most of you that this story will have a happy ending. But just a simple reminder so ATTENTION: Eleniel does not know how to use a bow, if I am mistaken and she is using a bow in the previous chapters please tell me so then I would go back and edit it.

WARNING: There will still be plot twists but you have to read until the end to know what it is exactly that I twisted. ;) *wink wink*


"Keep your elbow up and make sure you pull it to your chin and don't--" Legolas was cut off as I accidentally release the arrow sending it flying passed the target making people run. I made a face and called out "Sorry" it was my 20th attempt in archery and unlike my husband I looked like a complete fool. He chuckled and said "It's fine, lets just get through this so we could go to the training bow" he said making my head snap to his "I thought this was a training bow" I said as I held the bow in my hands Legolas scratched his head and let out a small chuckle and said "That's a bow for the kids" making the guards behind us burst out laughing. 

20th attempt on the third day that is and still I had no luck in archery. Different parties from elven kingdoms were searching different Orc camps for the pale Orc three days have gone by and still no luck on our side but I had nine months and over the nights as I laid in Legolas' arms he would whisper loving and most sweetest things ever that's what made me had hope. Even if a monster was growing within my womb, it was terrifying Legolas is worried and scared for me but I was even more scared than he was. Especially when Lady Galadriel told me that if my time is up and the baby will be delivered my life will be the cost so if I won't kill this Orc then either way I will die. 

Legolas saw the tired look upon my face he then took the bow from my hands and said "Lets take a break" as he put his arm over my shoulders and started leading me towards the kitchen to get something to eat. "Legolas what if they never find the Orc what if--" I was cut off as Legolas pressed his lips to mine for only a split second and whispered "What have I told you every night, we will find that Orc and you will kill it. We soon will have a family together, maybe twelve or twenty children" my eyes widen as I gasped "Son of an Orc, Twenty!? Twelve!? I'm not sure my poor body can go through much pain" 

He smirked and said "I'm not sure if my body could resist such a body as yours" as he winked at me still making me blush even though we were already married. We then sat at the table and started nibbling on fresh apples and cut up carrots. Alassiel and Adanessa came down together greeting telling me that Haldir and Adanessa's daughter went back to Rivendell while Adanessa was here to support me on this Orc search. We were all talking about how ellons were such sweeties behind their heroin mask sometimes Legolas would blush. Making us girls giggle. When suddenly two guards appeared in the doorway. 

"Prince Legolas, Princess Eleniel" 

I cringed at the word 'Princess' I still wasn't used to such titles. but as I snapped back to what they came here for I saw the relief on their faces as one said "We found the Orc" all four of us at the table stood up and Legolas held my hand and smiled "It is time my love, you shall become normal once more" he said as he kissed my lips tenderly we all started walking towards the cells where they locked up the pale Orc. As I looked through the bars of the cell I saw the Orc shaking with fear in the corner curled up in a ball. As the face looked towards me I remember the times I used to look in the mirror at night but now the Orc was about to end and I would finally be relieved that it no longer haunted me anymore. 

but for some reason I felt pity towards the Orc but my desire of wanting to be normal again was higher, "I want to do this alone" I sighed, Legolas' head snapped towards me and said "No, what if the Orc attacks back" "My prince, the Orc has been no problem as we saw the Orc wandering aimlessly through the borders of Fangorn forest we captured it and it did not attack us as if it was weak" one of the guards spoke up. Legolas took a deep breath not wanting to leave alone with an Orc but he always wanted what made me happy. He then got one of his daggers from his back and handed it to me. 

"But if anything happens just call okay, we all will just be at the door" he said, I smiled and pulled him close to my face to taste his lips once more time. He pulled away and whispered "I love you" "I love you too" I replied everyone started going out as one of the guards opened the cell to let me in. The guard then left.

I gripped the dagger in my hands as I glared at the Orc that was still trembling in the corner. "You don't know how long I have waited to be normal" I hissed towards the Orc getting ready to end its life. "But now all I want is a normal baby" I hissed once more as I lifted up the dagger to stab its head but I stopped once I heard the Orc mumbling something to himself, I took a step forward and listened closely. 

but the Orc wasn't mumbling it was singing but once I heard the song that the Orc was singing, my heart leaped and the dagger that I held tightly in my hands dropped to the floor making an echo sound through the dungeons. My eyes widen and complete fear and joy was mixed in my heart. 


the name spoke from my mouth as I feared the Orc might turn around and respond to the name. I wished and hoped at the same time that the Orc wouldn't but praying it would. The Orc slowly face towards me still singing the song as if the Orc was trying to remind itself of a more peaceful thought than the thought of being killed at the moment. 


I called out again tears already filling my eyes and as the Orc fully faced me. I then fell to my knees.

The Orc who looked like me. 

and at the same time looked like me in normal self. 

The Orc's eyes then widen as it took a close look towards me. The Orc slowly made its way towards me with a soft expression upon its face. The Orc then cupped my face and whispered "Eleniel" I smiled and then we both pulled each other into a loving embrace. "Naneth" I said happily as now happy tears ran down my face. I pulled away and realized Adanessa was outside, "Wait here" I said as I stood up and went to the door to see everyone waiting for me. "Is it done?" Legolas asked, hope written all over his face. How was I to explain this?

"You guys can come in but I want to also borrow Adanessa" I said Adanessa came towards me I quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the cell with Legolas and Alassiel on our tails. "What are you doing Eleniel?" Adanessa asked as she eyed the Orc with fear. "I need to show you something" I said as I faced the Orc once more "Sing it again" the Orc then started murmuring the song lowly but enough for all our ears to hear. but as soon as the Orc stopped singing Adanessa gasped as she jumped back with both her hands flying to cover her mouth. 

"It can't be" she whispered, Alassiel and Legolas looked confused. "She responded to her name" I said sadly. "Lindethiel?" Adanessa called out making the Orc's eyes flicker to her "Naneth?" Adanessa asked happily as happy tears ran down her face. Legolas' eyes widen as Adanessa called the Orc Naneth and Alassiel had a terrified look. The Orc smiled and opened its arms for us as me and Adanessa ran into her arms and hugged her. "Adanessa... Eleniel... my daughters" the Orc said in its hideous voice. 

"I shall send word to Gandalf, Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel to see if they could do anything about this" legolas said as he walked away obviously torn between killing the Orc or not. 

Two days later after bonding with our mother especially Adanessa and Alassiel sometimes Legolas would come down and spend time with us. My mother was proud that I have married him and she was also proud that Adanessa married Haldir. but as Lady Galadriel came along with Gandalf and Lord Elrond they were shock and astounded that the pale Orc was their mother. We asked Lady Galadriel if there was another way we could fix this like I wouldn't have to have an Orc baby and my mother wouldn't have to be an Orc but sadly all three of them shook their heads. Since my father whom is my mother's true love was already gone and for her to break the spell she needed my father. 

Whatever I choose I would lose my mother, If I choose not to kill her than I would die but if I choose to kill her she would die and I would have to live with that regret of killing my own mother. Lady Galadriel explained everything to my mother and she asked both of us,

"What is your final decision?"

I looked towards my mother with a heart wrenching look, I hated the choices and so did she. Adanessa was curled up in my mother's arms until my mother took a deep breath and took one more glance at me and Adanessa and she said

"Kill me"

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now