The Undying nightmare.

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"The beacons have been lit!!" Aragorn shouted, 

Soon everybody was getting ready to travel again, well not everybody just all the warriors and a few women who will take care of the warriors. Including me. I was near Eowyn getting ready a few stuff, she told me her plan to go into war dressed up as one of their warriors. She asked me to join but I kindly refuse since I didn't know how to fight. Only fight as a dumb Orc, but I definitely know how to defend myself, it is what kept me alive during my Orcling years.

"You love him don't you?" Eowyn asked as she caught me staring more like ogling over Legolas as he sharpened his arrows in the distance. I blushed and Eowyn just chuckled. "It's ok, my friend. I also have my eyes on someone" she said as she looked over at Aragorn. "I heard he is taken?" I asked, she frowned and said "Yes, but she is sailing west. There is still hope for me. What do you think?" I looked at her and smiled, "There is hope for everything"

She turned me around by grabbing my shoulders, "Yes, I agree with you. You also have hope with him" as I faced Legolas who was now putting his arrows in his quiver. I snorted. "Me with the Prince of the woodland realm? Please even my best friend told me there was no hope when I was normal back then. So turning into an Orc can give hope also?"

"Everything happens for a reason" she said, I pondered over her words. It's true that everything happens for a reason but my only thought was, Turning into an Orc would it be for a good or bad cause?


We were now at the camp, I rode with Aragorn, I thought of him as an older brother. but he reminded me so much of my father. I was helping Eowyn cook since Aragorn requested that because I heard from Aragorn that the last time Eowyn cooked, the food tasted horrible. 

The food came out quite delicious. Since my parents were great cooks. Even Legolas ate my food he told me it reminded him of the feast we would have in Mirkwood. Legolas even suggested I continue the family business along with my sister. I was still thinking about it. 

I stayed at camp as usual, waiting for the battle to end. Once we heard it was ok to travel to Minas Tirith. I got on a horse and we made our way towards the white kingdom. I heard that Eowyn was hurt and I visited her but she was quickly healed by Aragorn and as I went to see her she was talking closely with one man with Orange Brown hair. 

But the battle of the one ring wasn't over yet. 

I watched in the distance how the tower fell and it felt like a thousand boulders coming off my shoulders, My excitement was far pass anything. I couldn't wait till night to see the moon shine down on my normal skin and not my Orc self. 


There stood in front of me, Gandalf, Aragorn, Eowyn, Gimli, Eomer, Faramir and Legolas. Waiting for the moon to shine and see only me. The sun was about to set and everyone was excited. "You excited lassie?" Gimli asked as he smiled under his beard. I nodded like a little girl and jumped up and down as I saw the sun about to go down. 

Soon the moon was shining, I was smiling and so was the others. When nothing happened, I clapped my hands and so did the others. I rushed to Aragorn who had his arms open but the unexpected happen....

My skin was burning and I was shaking violently. Aragorn pulled away and only held me by the elbows. Tears were already streaming down my face. As the ugly black and grey skin took over my body, ugly teeth, white eyes and the Orc in me just came like lightning. Everybody was shocked and sad at the same time. I couldn't believe that it wasn't working.

I fell to my knees in front of Aragorn, everybody stood quiet knowing nothing can comfort me now. "What happen Gandalf? Sauron is dead.... why am I still an Orc?" I asked through sobs sounding horrible as my Orc voice made everyone flinch except Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas. "I wish I knew young one... we have to ask advice from either Lord Elrond or Lady Galadriel" he said, I clutched my chest and started to sob uncontrallably. I screamed but it came out as an Orc shouting. 

Eowyn came beside me and started hugging me and trying her best to comfort me. but nothing could, maybe Legolas can but we all knew that was not gonna happen. 

would I be an Orc for the rest of my life?


Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel was standing in front of me, in my Orc form. It was late at night. And tomorrow was Aragorn's coronation. I felt sad as I couldn't attend his celebration for his wedding which is held at night. 

"This can only be cured by one thing" Lady Galadriel said in her angelic voice. Making goosebumps all over my body. "Beauty of an Orc" She said as she looked at Lord Elrond. Lord Elrond's jaw clenched and that might mean that it's not a good sign. 

"What?" I asked, "Beauty of an Orc, means that someone has to love you and kiss you" Lord Elrond said, "Isn't that suppose to be easy?" Gimli asked "She is beautiful"  I blushed at Gimli's comment but no one could've saw it under this hideous skin of mine. 

"Not quite master Dwarf, The person is suppose to love and kiss her in her Orc form" Gandalf said making me tense and uncomfortable. "WHO WILL EVER DO THAT TO AN ORC!?!?!" I yelled. "Someone will but it won't be for a long time" Lord Elrond said. Tears started to excape my eyes again. "But I can do one thing for you" Lady Galadriel said

I lifted my head to meet her eyes, she smiled and said "I can put a spell on you tomorrow night at Aragorn's wedding. you will be your normal self, but only for one night" making me smile. 

"But if ever the spell wears off, You need to run" Gandalf said

"Why?" I asked

"People will kill you" 

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now