Two heart beats.

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Drama ends now!!! 

My hands gripping the handle of the sword, my eyes filled with tears and a heart that's not wanting to make such a decision. My mother was on her knees in front of me with her head hung down, I was all alone. Not wanting to let Adanessa see me kill our very own mother. I didn't want anybody to see, not even me. 

This moment is when I reminisce the past and everything I have been through.


The never ending emotion that courses through my body like a disease. It was always waiting for me right at every corner making sure I would break down even during happiness. It didn't want me to be happy, pain was a word and a feeling that I know more than most people do. It is a curse that has laid upon me.


I desire so much in life, desire to be normal and have a normal happy day with Legolas and family not thinking about what pain would I suffer later. Not wanting to dread the moment after 9 months is up. I desire a life that I don't have, a life that only seems like I could only experience through dreams.


A word that never crosses my mind because half of my life I was an Orc. Legolas was the beauty in my life and I was the Orc.

"Forgive me" I whispered as I lifted the sword higher in the air to slice her head off but instead of experiencing the moment of killing my own mother. Something pushed me towards the ground. I looked up and saw my mother-- in her Orc form. But the different thing about her at the moment was her eyes wasn't the soft green that once presented her eyes they were now a dark charcoal black right then and there fear ran through my body and I knew what was happening, my mother's Orc has finally took over.

"You are forgiven" it hissed in the most unpleasant voice you could ever hear. Suddenly the Orc dashed outside the cell and quickly threw the door closed locking it. "Please don't do anything--" I was cut off as I heard screams and shouts coming from upstairs. The Orc grin evilly as he explained "I see my group are here, I knew you couldn't kill your mother so I let her control for just a few minutes enough to get my group inside Mirkwood. It wasn't easy but I know this time we won't fail" 

He then left me inside the locked cell. I tried shaking the bars as hard as I could but I was useless. I furiously kicked the wall out of anger, why was I always the one to get hurt? to feel useless in times of need? I hated it. I screamed out as I heard more and more screams coming from upstairs. They came without warning, we were unprepared. Was Alassiel safe? Was Adanessa alive? Has Legolas fallen? Cruel thoughts invaded my mind, I did not want to think of any of them but it was hard to when you are safely locked up behind bars while a mini war was happening upstairs. Would they succeed? Will the Orcs finally beat the Mirkwoodian elves? Will they turn me back into an Orc? There was so much going on in my head that I didn't notice Adanessa opening the cell.

"Eleniel!" she called out as she rushed to me and enveloped me into a hug. "Adanessa! What's happening up there?" I asked scared while I waited for an answer. "A large group of Orcs are attacking. Many guards have fallen and Alassiel and some other group of elves set off to Rivendell to send word, I have come here to ask you did you kill... umm... have you..." she was talking about me killing our mother. I didn't knew what was worse telling her that I killed her or no telling her that she got away and was somewhere up there either alive or dead. "no" was all I said and it was all it took for Adanessa to grab my hand and drag me towards the stairs leading upstairs. 

but my eyes wasn't ready to take in what I practically saw, blood, dead bodies and chaos. My clenched as each time I see blonde headed elves lying lifelessly on the ground but I knew it wasn't Legolas but just even the simple thought of him lying on the ground brought more amount of pain to my heart. In the distance I could still see Orcs and elves fighting my heart skipped a beat every time I looked and there was no sign of my mother's Orc. "Stay here Eleniel I'll go find your weapons" Adanessa said as she ran from where I stood. I clenched my hands when a sudden anger shot through me just like adrenaline except my anger for Orcs that has been kept inside for more than 500 years has finally reached its peak. 

I may dislike dwarves due to King Thranduil but Orcs I hate more. They ruined my god damn life. I then ran to where the chaos was my eyes searching for the Orc who looked exactly like my Orc but nothing like me. My eyes scanned the room once more but when I saw my mother's Orc I wasn't prepared at all to see the Orc holding a bow about to shoot someone, my eyes trailed on his target to only see Legolas fighting up against five Orcs. My heart fell and I sworn that people around me could hear it cracking like a cement ground cracking. "LEGOLAS!!" I shouted but he didn't hear me nor did he do anything to turn towards me. My eyes looked down to see one of the dead guard's bow and arrow. 

I gulped as I stared at the bow, this was a guard's bow who has seen war and battles but the only bow I have ever held was a child's bow and I couldn't even shoot the damn target with it. Was I willing to risk it? What if I miss the target and accidentally hit Legolas? -- Valar knows I'll regret it for the rest of my life and I'll end up killing myself due to the one mistake of me not knowing how to shoot a bow. I grabbed the bow and arrow hesitantly as my eyes went back to my mother's Orc to see him almost releasing the arrow. My hands trembled as I tried pulling the arrow back and my heart was beating at a very violent rate. I could see the Orc finally about to release his arrow not until I pulled the arrow back with all the strength I had my muscle in my back and arm riped as I pulled the arrow back and release my arrow without aiming it right on the Orc.

My arrow flew across the room my eyes glued to my arrow scared where it shall land. As the arrow was closely flying through the chaos I quickly shut my eyes not wanting to see how badly I did but a few seconds later I heard a creature cry out of pain. My eyes slowly opened and relief invaded my body as I saw my mother's Orc crying out in pain as the arrow pierced its heart. I then snapped back to reality and grabbed a nearby sword and approached the Orc as I stared upon the Orc in front of me who was now on its knees its eyes were the soft green of my mothers' "daughter" the Orc whispered out and even though I missed my mother more than anything "It's for your own good mother" I whispered back as I let out a battle cry and slice its head off in one go.

I was breathing heavily as I dropped the sword to the ground staring at the Orc who was now headless on the ground. A pair of hands touched my shoulder and I flinched but I suddenly calm down as I was looking into my husband's blue eyes. "Eleniel" he whispered as he embrace me putting my head against his chest hearing his heart beat was enough to cheer me up. Was the curse finally over? Am I able to live life normal? Will I get my happily ever after with Legolas? 

We were in the room along with Gandalf, Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel. Lord Elrond had a frown on his face but I couldn't tell since his eyebrows had no emotion. Lady Galadriel sighed and said "I can still hear two heart beats from Eleniel" everyone looked down. -- how?! Why?! "What?! I broke the spell or the curse or whatever you can call it. I broke it-- killed the Orc! Why do I still have this monster inside of me?" I screamed with tears running down my face "I don't know little one" Lady Galadriel said softly. 

Without even noticing I fell to my knees and started sobbing and in an instant Legolas was beside me even tears were going down his face. Wondering will the pain ever end?

9 months have passed and I was in labour awaiting the monster to be born and take my life along with it. 

Then I heard a baby's cry.

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now