The Curse

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You could hear the light music in the air, the smell of food and the silent cheers of people as everyone raced to get the wedding ready. The beautiful halls of Thranduil was decorated in white flowers and ribbons. Legolas was waiting at the altar for me. waiting for me to walk down the aisle. I was already in my wedding gown (displayed on the side) with beautiful white roses in my hand. My golden brown curly air was up but a few strands fell and I was wearing a silver circlet. 

My heart was beating with anticipation to finally be called Eleniel wife of Legolas Prince of the woodland realm. "Eleniel!! It's time!!" Adanessa screamed as she walked inside the room along with my best friend Alassiel. "Can't believe this is actually happening" I said as I felt like crying "For years you have dreamed of this, as kids we would pretend that this day would happen and now look you are actually getting married to your first love" Alassiel said "My first and only love" I corrected "Group hug!" Alassiel squealed as the three of us squeezed each other with delight. 

We then started walking towards the place where we are to walk, as Adanessa held my hand and Alassiel holding my veil behind me. The people stood up once the doors were being opened, but my eyes didn't wander to the people staring at me, it didn't wander to the beautiful exquisite decorations nor did it wander to the delicious food displayed on the sides of the room, no. It wandered and stayed on one person only. The groom, my husband-to-be, the person who I shall call my own in just a few minutes.

His blue seers piercing right through my very own soul, his smile plastered on his face showed me he was delighted and overwhelmed by my presence, Happy that this time I didn't run away. As we reached the altar Adanessa kissed my cheek and Alassiel gave me a hug and gave me over to Legolas. He smiled at me lovingly "You look beautiful" he whispered "So do you" I replied Lady Galadriel then started speaking. It all started with a battle he killed me but at the same time didn't he cured me, he saved me. Once in a thousand years I wasn't sad, I wasn't depressed and I wasn't scared when night would come. 

We said our vows and promised them, "You may now kiss the bride" Lady Galadriel's angelic voice rang. Legolas smiled as he cupped my face bringing me closer to him, I rested both my hands on his chest as our lips shared another fantastic kiss. People all around cheered and clapped their hands happy and excited for a new person to be crowned King and Queen and finally for the first time in a very long time Mirkwood was about to have a Queen. 

People were dancing and singing all around, Legolas pulled me into the dance as we all started dancing to the up beat music. Thranduil was enjoying himself thrilled that finally his son got married to someone he loves and couldn't wait for grandchildren. "So how does it feel to be my wife?" Legolas asked me as we now slow dance to soft music "Hmm.. doesn't feel any different" I teased him as he kissed my neck tickling me. "I feel like I'm the luckiest elf in middle earth" he said as he put his chin above my head "No, I am the luckiest because I went through hell and became an Orc was cured and now I am married to the most desirable Ellon in middle earth" I argued making Legolas chuckle.

clink clink clink

Someone tapped their fork to the glass, we looked over to see Thranduil standing up "I would like to make a toast to the newly wedd may their love grow on" he spoke making other people raise their glass. "Now I would also love to hear a message from the groom" Legolas then brought me to a higher level so we could see everyone and give them our message. Legolas spoke to me since I was never good with a crowd, when suddenly something inside of me burned and all of a sudden I felt sick. The room was spinning before me and I shook my head to see if it was only nervousness but as I shook my head it only increased the pain.

I then coughed, my right hand flying to my mouth to cover my cough but as I look at my hand since something wet from my mouth went on my hand. The room was suddenly quiet almost too quiet but I could hear muffles, like their voices were only echoes in a cave. I held my hand in front of me to see blood, I then heard gasps "Legolas" I struggled to say since I was growing weak I then fell to my knees "Eleniel!" I heard Legolas shout but it seemed so distant. "Get the healers!" he yelled I was suddenly lying down on the floor with my head in Legolas' arms. 

before I even knew it the darkness welcomed me.

My eyes slowly opened but I woke up to a head splitting pain running around my head. As I forced my eyes opened I heard someone crying. "Lego..." I tried calling out soon Legolas, Alassiel and Adanessa's face appeared in my view. "Eleniel!" Adanessa cried out her eyes were bloodshot red along with Alassiel. "What happened?" I asked wondering what in the hell happened to me. Alassiel and Adanessa burst out crying again "What?" I asked again, I looked over to Legolas for answers but he had a sad face his gaze was fixed on the ground not wanting to make eye contact with me. 

"Legolas? What's happening?" I asked but he just stood up and stormed out of the room, my heart was breaking seeing the people I care about sad. "Can someone please explain to me" I cried out, worried out of my wits. Lady Galadriel then appeared "My dear Eleniel" her lovely voice said, "Please my lady can you tell me what's going on" I begged her eyes fell to the floor but quickly went back to me "Are you sure you want to know Eleniel?" she asked, what kind of question was that? "I have the right to know" I said 

"You're dying Eleniel"

My world was slowly crumbling to pieces, my heart was shattering and my soul was breaking. What? How? Why? So many questions ran through my head at once, my heart fell as I remembered Legolas' face as he stormed out the room. Just when he finally has me and I have him I was dying. 

"How? I am an Elf I can't get sick" I said hoping and praying they were just jesting with me and Legolas would jump out and yell out 'surprise' but it wasn't happening. "You are not sick young Eleniel... the curse broke but for it to be gone from you and your life you must kill the Orc who looks exactly like your Orc" she said, Hope faded away. There are more than a million Orc that live on this land. "Only you could kill him, if that Orc is already dead then there is nothing for us to do" she said in a sad tone. Tears filled my eyes I tried blinking them away but they fell down my face instead. 

"Another thing Eleniel..." Lady Galadriel said


"You're pregnant" 

A sob escaped my mouth, Legolas hasn't been to bed with me yet so it only meant one thing. 

"How is that possible!? It has been years since the Orc has raped me I can't be pregnant!" I yelled not wanting to believe anything. Just as I was feeling happy it quickly faded. "The Orc sperm won't move till the curse has been lifted so when Legolas kissed you the Orc sperm invaded your egg cells" Lady Galadriel said with a pity look on her face. I let out another sob. 

Before I was an Orc,

now I was having an Orc baby. 

Yes her life is so sad. :'( Also check out my new Thranduil story 'The King's Assassin' Thank you for your support for this story! 

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now