Crying in safe arms

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I opened the door to see the person who I wanted to see but didn't expect to see so soon.

She stood there in her light violet with her straight blonde hair flowing at her sides and her bright blue eyes all red and puffy and tears still stained her fair face. "Eleniel" she breathed out, obviously out of breath. "Alassiel..." I whispered


"Alassiel!" I squealed out as I tackled her to the grassy ground. We both let out squeals and laughed together. "Eleniel, we are gonna get dirty again." Alassiel giggled out as she stood up dusting the grass off her dress. "So, I like getting dirty" I said as I pretended to make an angel out of the grass I was on.

She smiled at me and said "You love getting scolded by Naneth do you?" we both giggled and I turned over on the grass lying down on my stomach. "Alassiel, what do you think we will be when we reach a mature age?" I asked, she put her finger on her chin as she thought of what she would be.

"Hmm.. You might be taking over your family's business, I would be a seamstress or a maiden of the palace. Or you would marry the prince" she said as she wiggled her eyebrows. I giggled and blush at the thought of marrying the prince. "Yeah, but the Prince wouldn't take a second look at me I'm not even sure if he'll take a first look" I said as I got up the ground not bothering the grass staining my dress.

"If only he can look at you, he'll actually see the real you. but no matter what I always be your best friend" Alassiel said as she grabbed my hand. "Best friends forever!" I said as I pulled her into a hug.

End of flashback**

"Eleniel, I can't believe it's you" she sobbed out as she covered her mouth with her hand. Standing there like she couldn't believe I was standing right in front of her. Tears started filling my eyes, I couldn't believe that my best friend was standing right in front of me and she remembered me. Legolas then appeared right behind her smiling like he just gave the best gift in the world.

Which he did.

we both burst out laughing like crazy people then we both ran and hugged each other like we had never seen each other forever which it felt like it. "I thought you have forgotten about me" I whispered as I nuzzled in her neck, I could feel her smiling and she sobbed "I would never forget my best friend"

tears strolled down my face at least I now have family that doesn't hate me but what happens if I tell her what happens at night? would she stay away or help fight the pain?

We both pulled away and cupped each others face. "How are you?" she asked me, I smiled at her and said "I'm alright, now that I am home" I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to the owner of the hand and saw Legolas giving me a warming smile. "We shall have a feast during lunch before night time" he said, I smiled at him and did something unexpected.

I threw my arms around his neck and whispered in his chest "Thank you" I felt his hands slowly hug back and it onlly made my smile grow wider. "You belong here, this is your home. And you were taken away from that. I am only doing whats right" he said as he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "See you then" I said, he nodded and walked out my room. I stared at his back until he disappeared through the door. A throat cleared behind me, I turned around to see a smirking Alassiel.

"We have a lot of catching up to do" she said, "And we shall also get ready" I said as I grabbed her hand and went to the closet and saw many gowns that the palace gave to me as a welcome home present. Alassiel gasped as she saw how many gowns were inside my closet. "Holy Elbereth!" she gasped making me laugh.

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now