Fighting in Gowns

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Sorry for the long wait. I am trying my best to keep up with all my stories. But can I ask a favor? Can you guys please vote for my 'I cry just a little' at the watty awards? please it would mean the world to me. Thank you!

It was peaceful that Legolas took me out on a picnic but it wasn't any ordinary picnic it was a picnic on top of the trees. He was so kind and sweet that he always made sure I was comfortable but safe at the same time.. It felt like he wasn't getting married to Tauriel that everyone in Mirkwood was finding him so he could plan their wedding. It just felt like out of all the elleths he chose to be with him.

but does he love me?

"If you could live anywhere you desire... where would you live?" I asked Legolas as I was lost in the view of the lonely mountain that stood in the distance. "Hmmm... somewhere in a beautiful forest" he replied making me giggle "What?" he asked as he shot me a grin. "You already live in a beautiful forest" I said as I gestured my hand to the beauty of the orange-pink leaves around us. "Yes I do but my dad rules these woods along with Lady Galadriel... I would want a beautiful wood to myself, rule them among my people" he replied as he was gazing also at the lonely mountain.

Just imagining Legolas rule a beautiful forest with me at his side sent butterflies in my stomach but in an instant that picture of me beside him changed into Tauriel. The harsh truth that he was getting married to someone who is not me. "How about you?" he asked as he was now staring into my eyes. "hmmm... I really don't know yet Mirkwood has always been my home and I know I am not welcomed in Lothlorien because of my sister maybe I would visit Rivendell but I have always love to live near the ents maybe I would love to be near fangorn forest" I said as I remembered that when an Ent tried fighting back when we cut it down it hurt all the other Orcs except me.

"That's a nice plan" he replied-- "LEGOLAS!!!" we heard Tauriel's high-pitched voice screamed, me and Legolas looked at each other knowing our bonding was coming to an end. "You go, I'll follow later" I told him softly, he smiled at me lovingly as he caressed my cheek and leaned in to kiss my head. He then disappeared down the tree. I stared at the beautiful view once more before I decided to go down myself. I walked alone towards the gate but as I arrived a servant was waiting for me. "Lady Eleniel, Your presence are requested by the King" she said as she bowed, I nodded and followed her. Wondering what would King Thranduil want with me?

As I entered the throne room I dreaded as I saw Tauriel standing in front of Thranduil. "You requested my presence your highness?" I asked as I bow down. "My dear Eleniel please-- I would like you to help our future Queen here to pick her wedding gown and you shall also pick your gown as well for the wedding." he said, my eyes snapped to Tauriel's and hers also snapped at mine. Both of us not wanting to but at the same time we don't want to disappoint the King. "Yes King Thranduil" I replied as I bowed again. Then me and Tauriel walked out side by side awkwardly.

 The whole trying on different gowns was awkward since we couldn't say a word to each other because if we do then we would say things that would lead to something messy and guards and servants were watching us. but right as everyone was outside the room leaving me in my light pink gown and Tauriel in her wedding gown her eyes then snapped to me in the mirror and smirked as she said "Can't believe an Orc is helping me get ready for my wedding day especially since she has feelings for my future husband" my eyes were glaring daggers at her. I wasn't the old Eleniel that she could stomp on any time she wanted.

I am the Eleniel that bites back.

"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul" I told her, her eyes widen suddenly out of nowhere she threw a dagger almost hitting my face as it stuck into the wall that was behind me. "What in Mordor was that for!?" I complained but then she had a murderous face "I will not let some Orc ruin my wedding" she said as she got a sword out from her sheath that laid a few meters away from her my eyes widen in fear then I tried persuading her "Tauriel we don't need to be violent" but before I could persuade her more she then swung her sword but I quickly dodge trying my best not to stumble on my gown that was trailing behind me.

I then ran across the room and tried grabbing the sword that was hanging on the wall in design but as I tried pulling it off the wall it was stuck to the wooden plank. As she swung again I quickly jumped out of the way breaking a table along the way, her sword was stuck on a chair so I quickly went back to the wooden plank and grabbed the sword and blocked Tauriel's blow before her sword could pierce my skin. "Tauriel we don't need to fight" I pleaded hoping Tauriel's anger wouldn't be the end of me.

She swung her sword again and kicked me in the chest sending me against the wall "We have been fighting from the first time we met.. over Legolas" she hissed as charged at me but I blocked her sword only an inch away from my neck and struggled to say "Tauriel yes we both dislike each other but there is no need of violence" no matter how many times I have imagined of just strangling Tauriel or killing her I wouldn't have the courage to do so. She is an Elf and is one of my kin. I don't have the heart to kill an Elf.

I then pushed her away and twirled in my gown so I could hold my gown in one hand and my sword in the other. We started to spar against each other our swords echoing through the room as they met. but I had the upper hand and I saw the fear in Tauriel's eyes she was afraid to lose especially against me. Suddenly I swung myy sword sending her sword out of her hands and out of her reach, she was weaponless I then kicked her to the ground and put my sword against her neck,


I heard someone call my name and as I turned around my heart leaped into my throat. There in the doorway stood Legolas and a few other Elves as they looked at me and Tauriel in a concern and shock look. And it looked different to them compared to what actually happened. At the moment Tauriel was on the floor with fresh tears in her eyes looking innocent and me looking menacing with my sword against her neck. "Eleniel, Mani naa lle umien?" (What are you doing?) Legolas asked not believing what he is seeing. "I... I... " I stuttered couldn't find the right words to tell him it is not what it seems.

Tauriel then suddenly got up and started crying as she ran into Legolas' arms sending a huge pain through my chest. "Eleniel..." Legolas trailed off awaiting my answer along with the Elves that stood behind him, I couldn't say anything I was so nervous that I could even hear my heartbeat. My mouth parted slightly as Legolas' eyes still gazed upon me and it was agonizing to stare at him with Tauriel-- his bride in his arms. The place where I wanted to be the only place where I could make this nervous feeling go away, the only place that doesn't make me sad.

before I could say anything I fled from where I stood. I couldn't stand the sight of Tauriel and Legolas together, I couldn't stand how the silence in that room could be so loud. It was eating me up and I needed to get away. "Eleniel!" Legolas called out as I exited the room but I ignored it, I just kept running to where my feet take me running away from the place that caused my heart to ache. Tears started filling my eyes and as I tried to blink them away instead of actually going away they fell down my cheeks.

As I exited the gates again I lunged at a pillar hugging it as if it was someone dear to me. I let out a sobbed as I noticed that no one was around. I couldn't runaway again as I just returned I will be defined as a  coward and a murderer since I would leave without explaning what happened back at the gown room. I then slid down on the pillar with my back against it not even caring if the gown I was wearing was the gown I would wear for Tauriel and Legolas' wedding.

I pulled my knees to my chest hoping it would comfort me rather than the cold hard pillar. I then put my head on my knees crying myself to sleep not caring if anything was to harm me or not and not caring if for once I showed I was weak because at the moment that is what I felt.

Sorry guys if Tauriel seems like a b**** here. I will really update pretty soon and make it even more longer. Thank you so much guys for the support!! On the side is the picture of Tauriel's gown (on the right) and Eleniel's gown (on the left).

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now