Meant to be

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As my feet brought me closer to the whipping sound I couldn't help but to let the tears fall down my face, my heart was beating like a bird trying to get out of its cage, my chest tightened at the thought of him being tortured and as me, Kili and Tauriel reached a door at the top of the stairs I pushed the heavy wooden door with all my might and as the light of the sun could be seen the sight of the open space made my heart leap deadly. 

Orcs filled the opening space cheering, laughing and shouting. All forming a circle and in the middle was a wooden pillar and I saw Legolas' arms chained around them forcing him to hug the rough wooden pillar, he was only wearing brown leggings with no shirt or no shoes but that wasn't the horrible part. A huge ugly Orc held a whip and on Legolas' back was open wounds and blood everywhere the Orc didn't stop even though they already saw us and I flinch every time the whip would touch Legolas' back making him shout in pain. Tears automatically increased and even though it was like a space filled with Orcs and Uruk-hais I ran from where I stood and ran just as the Orc whipped Legolas I wrapped my arms around Legolas making the Orc whip my back instead but I just flinched as the whip touched my back leaving an ugly open wound. 

"Move she-Orc!" the Orc snarled at me even though I wasn't in my Orc form still the Orcs knew who I was and what I was. "No!" I shouted as I kept my arms around Legolas making sure the whip would no longer hurt him. "El.. Eleniel.." Legolas tried saying "Shh.. I'm here... I'll never leave you again" I assured him as tears ran down my face and onto his back. "You need... you need to get out...of here" Legolas struggled to say as he pushed himself to look at me and as we both shared an intense eye contact the Orc flung his whip and as it hit me I shouted in pain not wanting to let Legolas go no matter what happens to me. 

Suddenly Tauriel came out without Kili as she was armed with her bow. she started shooting and the Orc with who has the whip growled and grabbed me by the arms breaking mine and Legolas' contact and threw me harshly on the ground unexpectedly he got an ugly dagger from his belt and held it over me. Was this to be the end of me? not having to kiss Legolas one more time or telling him how I feel about him and how I would never leave him ever again? and most of all would I ever be cured from this curse that laid upon me? who would break it and when? the dagger was in slow motion as I witnessed how I was about to die. 

The dagger was making its way slowly towards me but I tightly closed my eyes and wait for the piercing pain that would come but as a few seconds passed I felt no pain, was I already dead? but as I opened my eyes waiting to see either light or darkness but I saw neither of them. I saw in front of me Legolas on the ground with the Orc dead just a few meters away from me. Did Legolas kicked him to death? and did he break his chains? how? but I did no pondering on that matter I quickly pushed myself off the ground and made my way towards Legolas whose body was slowly lifting up and down as if his breathing was shallow. 

I turned his body around so his head was on my lap. "Legolas.. stay with me" I whispered as I pushed his blonde hair out of his face who would knew that Legolas' hair could ever be this messy. "Eleniel.." He whispered as a smile appeared on his face "You came back.." I smiled at him softly and pressed his palm on my face and whispered "Of course I came back... I could never leave you" I leaned down and kiss his forehead and said "We need to heal you" Tauriel then came back and said "We need to heal them but first lets get out of here" I nodded my head as she helped Kili up and walked I also helped Legolas up putting most of his weight on me. Although he tried walking on his own he failed every time.

we arrived in the forest not even knowing where to go we just stopped where we all stumbled and started healing from there. Tauriel healed Kili while I healed Legolas who was even more badly hurt. I just hope he would make it through the day.

While Legolas and Kili were sleeping and Tauriel was on watch making sure no harm would ever come to us especially since she is reunited with Kili and I was also reunited with Legolas. I stared at Legolas as he finally and maybe the first time in days that he slept peacefully. I traced his scars with my index finger and singing at the same time I blushed lightly as I realized I was touching his bare chest. As my index finger traced over his left side of the chest he caught my hand with his and slowly opened his eyes to look at me with his bewitching blue eyes. "You should rest" I whispered to him, his hand just removed from mine and it went up to cup my face "You are my light in darkness" He whispered, I remembered that Aragorn told me I was the light of hope in every dark corners. 

"You are my hope" I whispered back to him as I kissed his forehead and as I pulled back the moon came up changing me into the Orc that haunts me.


It was early in the morning not even the light of the sun shined above yet, I was nearby our camp keeping watch as Tauriel was snuggled next to Kili sleeping like she never slept before. I was in front of a small pond sitting with my legs crossed in front of it staring into my ugly Orc reflection wondering will there ever be a day I would look in the mirror as the moon shined above looking normal and not the beast I am?

Suddenly I saw Legolas in the reflection of the water, I turned around and there he stood bare chested looking at me with so much love. "You should be resting" I said to him softly trying not to scare him with my hideous voice he smiled softly and said "You too should be resting" I looked back at the water and just saw an Orc sitting beside Legolas. Sometimes I wonder why he would choose someone like me. 

"Eleniel" he whispered as he sat beside me. I turned my head to look at him with sad eyes that showed how much I was in pain. "You are beautiful" he whispered "Don't say such things.... the words that escape your mouth are nothing but a lying comfort" I said as I quickly snapped my head back to the water reflecting the Orc and Legolas. He sighed and said "I'll never give up when you're falling apart my arms will always be opened wide for you Eleniel..." "I know and that's why I don't deserve you Legolas, Can't you see I'm an Orc no matter how much I want to be with you or how many times I say I'll never leave you.. I know deep inside that we aren't meant to be" I said

"If you walk away again.... I'll just come right after you. I'm not letting you walk away from me again I lost you multiple times and I promise myself I would never lose you again" he said, I didn't say anything because what words could I say to make him see I was an Orc but there was only one way to break this... "Look" Legolas whispered as he pointed towards the water, I looked into the water and saw as he stood behind me with his hands on my Orc shoulders both of us staring at the water but what took my breath away was that behind us were trees orange and green the sun was peeking behind the trees and leaves were gently falling as the wind blew breezily. 

Suddenly a bright golden light came from my body before I knew it I was in my elf form and the sight took my breath away as the sun shined brightly above showing that me and Legolas were actually meant to be. "See... you're beautiful" he said

Was Legolas the one to break this horrid curse?

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now