Beautiful Orcling morning

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I was still an Orc.

The thought of being one... still. Left me with little hope. Middle Earth was in the hands of a Hobbit, the Race of men were standing on a piece of thread. I was on the roof of the house of King Theoden waiting for the sun to set. Guards were at the door just in case anyone would come to the roof.

Until I heard a voice, "I don't know what to say to make you feel better" I turned around and saw Legolas. I quickly looked away and bowed my head. As if he can't see my face. "You don't have to hide from me" he said as he sat next to me. I looked at him and tried to give him a smile, but failed.

I looked back down, ashamed I looked like this in front of my first love, great first impression huh? A tear then slid from my eye. "Eleniel, Please don't cry" he said "I'm not beautiful" I said in my ugly Orc voice. "You're not ugly also" he said, I looked at him and pointed at my face and faced down to the ground again. Legolas then did the unthinkable. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face and said "Eleniel, it's not about the outside appearance but it's what lies within your eyes, your soul. And all I see in yours in beautiful, hope and so many others. Don't say you're ugly" as he smiled at me showing off his dimples.

I blushed and looked at my hands, Soon the sun was about to set.

I couldn't wait.

"Eleniel, You're sister, Adanessa" he said as he sighed "Yes?" I asked, flinching at the ugly tone in my voice. "She's getting married" he said making my eyes widen and asked "To whom? Since when?" my heart beating fast, that it might be him. but what about Tauriel?

"She is getting married to a friend of mine, his name is Haldir. He is from forest of Lothlorien" he said making my heart go back to normal. I just smiled and nodded in understanding. I sighed and said "I miss her, I miss my family. I miss my home" as I bowed my head again, bowing my head is a habit I get every time I am an Orc.

"Eleniel" Legolas said making my heart soar by him saying my name as if he said my name perfectly. He put his hand on my big ugly grey hand and said "I promise you with my life that I will protect you and bring you home to safety" I smiled and said "Thank you!" he raised my hand with his and put his palm upon my palm as if he was seeing how big my hand is.

(Just like what's displayed on the side)

"You're beautiful" he said, I was about to protest but he put his other hand on my mouth and said "Quiet" I shut my mouth and as the sun hit our skins making Legolas' eyes turn into a beautiful gold and his hair and skin looking more gorgeous than he really is. If that's even possible.

My skin suddenly felt warm, then I saw as glitter surrounded me turning back to normal with out hands still together. My hand suddenly shrunk to his size and I was back to normal. He smiled and cupped my face and said "See" in my head I imagined him leaning in and kiss my lips. but in reality he just sat there with his left hand on my cheek and his right still on my hand. He smiled last, he stood up and walked away leaving me there to day dream about him, not that he knew.

Maybe he didn't kiss me because he is married to Tauriel. I did not know but all I knew was,

Being an Orc was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

and meeting Legolas might be the most painful feeling ever but him being in my life is the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

Even we ended up meeting like this, I was willing to take the chance to go through hardships and seeing him with Tauriel just to see him smile.

For the love that I feel is more than the pain that I can bare.

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now