Orcling in dang-- Never mind!

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Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while I have just been busy with Nanowrimo. So I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

My head was in unutterable pain, I groaned a bit as I tried pushing myself off the ground. The last thing I could remember was standing in the middle of the throne room... alone. but as I tried pushing myself off the ground I felt something cold and heavy around my wrists. I then opened my eyes and saw that I was in a dark room and the moon was shining on me, my Orc body.

I moved my hands again to find out that I was chained up, I tried breaking the chains with my Orc strength even though it wasn't much or strong it was at least worth a try. I tried slamming them against the wall but the chains were too strong. "Stop it in there will yah!" another Orc growled, I faced him and asked "What am I doing here?" he then started laughing and said "You are Orc family... remember? We rescued you from the elves and we shall keep you in here till you transform to your normal self" making me feel disgusted. I tried struggling out.

 "But I was in my normal self!" I shouted as I struggled against the chain that's keeping me away from attacking the Orc. He cackled a laugh and said "That's what they want you to think.... Come on boys!" he shouted the last part making horror and fear run through my veins. I knew exactly what they were gonna do to me, they were gonna torture me like they have tortured me before they would beat me till I cannot scream anymore, they will make sure there was no ounce of hope or strength in me and worse of them all rape.

As a whole bunch of Orcs came near me, I let out a scream that could be heard all over middle earth. and possibly my last scream.


I laid on the ground broken, shattered and hopefully dying. I didn't want to live like this anymore. I was battered, bruised and sexually har-- raped again!! Tears were falling down my cheeks and I just wanted to close my eyes and pretend that all of this was just a nightmare. I didn't want to wake up knowing that something like this happened to me.

I didn't want to walk the same land knowing that the people who did this to  me or more like the creatures who did this to me was still breathing the same air as mine and was under the same sky as I was. This is something that you just can't simply forget and move on, it will evetually come after you like an annoying bug. It will haunt you and you will not be scarred for life but that scar will never dry up nor heal. It will always be an open fresh wound that stings every time you touch it or even think about it.

The only person whom I ever loved was Legolas. Thinking he could actually love me even though he had the perfect beautiful Tauriel, now I could see him frowning in disgust at me not wanting to talk or touch me because I was dirty, I was a filth that would make people around me loath me. I was an Orc, a monster that mothers tell their children about, I was a monster like the ones in childrens stories who lives under their bed. I was an Orcling in danger but no one came to my rescue not that I expected there to be. The first time that this happened no one came and it's already the second time what makes this time so different? What is the point in living when you know that you are an Orc and not only that but you have been violated by ton of Orcs.

Suddenly the sun shined on me from the small window up on the wall. My Orcling self then turned into the ashamed and worthless Elleth that I really was. I was worse than an Orc. My dress barely covering all the parts on my body. I lay there not making a move or sound, I was like a glass doll that broke. I can't be fix... I can only be replaced.

Suddenly the door creaked making it echo through the room I was in but I didn't need to look who it was, I already knew it was another Orc seeking pleasure. I was tired of fighting and struggling there was obviously no hope in it at all. 

"Eleniel?" A voice called out as a figure stood over me, "Eleniel? Can you hear me?" I tried focusing on the figure that stood right above me. As soon as my eyes adjusted blue eyes finally met mine. I sucked up a breath and gasped. Tears streaming down my face even more.


His eyes mirrored mine, his eyes were full of concern and sadness. Why? What was I to him? He tried to touch me but I moved back and said "Don't touch me, you don't wanna know what happened to me... you must not be here... you don't belong here" finally accepting who I really was, an orc.

"Neither do you Eleniel" he said as he scooped me up and embraced me. I was shocked at first. His face in the crook of my neck, "I'm just glad you are alive" he whispered his breath tickling my dirty skin. "barely" I replied, my arms and body limp. "What are you doing here?" I asked, he pulled away and stared into my eyes "Rescuing you" my eyebrows furrowed in confusion in why in Morgoth's balls would he be here. "Why would you save me? I am just a burden... I am nothing but a stupid Orc" I said as more tears added in my eyes. 

He smirked at me as if I said something funny. "You are the most silliest elleth I have ever met" he said as he stood up with me still in his arms. I was about to question him "What are you--" but he cut me off by crashing his lips upon mine. I didn't question it, I accepted it. 

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now