Teaming up

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"My Lord Elrond, you have requested my presence?" I asked as I bowed deeply before my lord, usually he would greet me with a smile that made his eyebrows look like it had a bit of emotion but this time his eyebrows were his normal type, serious. "Eleniel please do express your love for your home, Mirkwood" he said not showing even a tad of emotion. My heart was beating fast, I was scared that he might send me back home especially since yesterday was Tauriel and Legolas' wedding. 

I cringed at the image in my head when King Thranduil would say you may now kiss the bride, "My home, the great Greenwood. With its beauty and--" but I  was cut off as Lord Elrond asked "What about your prince?" I gulped as I suddenly felt nervous just by making him the subject. "Well, he is very noble and--" I was yet again cut off. "Tell me Eleniel do you have feelings for the Prince of the woodland realm?" he asked, my heart was beating furiously against my rib cage and my hands were sweating. I couldn't think straight. "Uhh... I.. " I started out but couldn't find the right words to express my love for the Prince.

"No need to say more Eleniel I do not wish to make you feel so uncomfortable but I would like to inform you about the tragic news coming from Mirkwood" he said with a serious look, my head snapped up and I quickly asked "Has the King fallen ill?" but before I could ask more questions that raised in my head Lord Elrond put up a hand to tell me to stop and listen. "I think you are well informed that Prince Legolas and Lady Tauriel had their wedding yesterday but they didn't actually get married" he said, My heart soared at his words it was such a beautiful melody to hear it. but I made sure that my expression didn't tell him that was happy and relieved.

"Why?" I asked, I was so happy just by the thought of Legolas not marrying her because of me, because he loves me.

"The Prince was kidnapped"

those words made my happiness fade within a blink of an eye, it made the light in my day darken to the point of no hope. My heart was quickening its pace even if its already beating fast than it could, a tear instantly fell from my eyes as I slammed my hand on the table and asked "Who kidnapped him?" "A party of Uruk-hais" Lord Elrond said shocked by my reaction. "How can this be? Prince Legolas is a fighter of course they might have drugged him or something to capture him?" I asked desperately because Legolas is Legolas no mere Orc or Uruk-hai can capture him that easily.

"Indeed Eleniel but King Thranduil also said that for some time the Prince has been acting strange like he wasn't himself, like he was weak or his spirit was damaged" as those words left Lord Elrond's lips I couldn't help but feel guilty, was it my fault that Legolas got kidnapped was it me who caused all this mess and leave Legolas in danger? I couldn't imagine Legolas being in the Uruk-hais camp and being tortured it was too painful to imagine. but instead of just blurting out secret emotions and shouting at why did they let them take him I turned around sharply and stomped all the way to my room to get ready. ready for what?

The rescue mission.

You think I'll just wait here for news if they found him or not? You think I'll just wait in the sidelines for him to be rescued and that is still an if? No, I am going out there and search for him-- I am an Orc I can blend in with them and I can fight what is stopping me from going?

"Eleniel you cannot go out and rescue him" Adanessa said as she appeared in my door way along with Haldir and Arphen. "Yes I can-- I am an Orc for a reason" I said taking my skin changing thing to a positive side."Eleniel it is dangerous out there" Adanessa warned me but I just ignored her. She looked at Haldir with a frustrated look and said "Help me here!" "If you are going out there Eleniel... you are going to need armor and weapons" Haldir said making Adanessa glare at him while I smiled.

I got changed into leggings, boots and a simple white tunic as I made my way with Haldir to the armory / weaponry room and he gave me a sword and a bow with arrows. He also gave me a few daggers to hide in places he explained how to use every one of them and when he gave me a horse Lord Elrond, Adanessa, Arphen and Haldir were there to wish me luck as I save the one I love.


When I almost arrive to mordor which was not restored since the defeat of Sauron I heard a lot of Orcs cheering. Night was about to come and when I would turn into an Orc I shall enter the place that used to be in Sauron's hands but now it was only in the hands of brainless Orcs. I dismounted my horse and whispered to it to return home then I hid behind a bush just near the entrance of mordor which now didn't look terrifying like it used to now it was dark clouds since night was coming and a lot of smoke was coming from there since Orcs, Uruk-hais and other creatures live there.

I was about to change my position but suddenly I felt a dagger press against my neck "Now what do we have here?" a voice hissed but I already knew who it was. "What are you doing here Tauriel?" I asked, "Saving my groom, we didn't get to say our vows before your people took him away from me" she hissed, "They are not my people and I am here to do the same" I replied "I can kill you right here and no one would know" she purred "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you?" she asked

"How are you gonna get inside?"

"Kill anyone that gets in my way"

"Wow! that's smart--not! There are a thousand Uruk-hais in there that you can't kill them all by yourself"

"So you suggest you will kill them with me?"

"No... we have to plan it smart. My plan was to change into an Orc the blend right in"

she then removed the dagger away from me and asked "And what about me?"

"Just follow my lead" I said as I smirked knowing I would enjoy this.


It was already night and I was in my Orc form Tauriel was walking in front of me with her hands behind her tied together as we reached the entrance to the gate Tauriel whispered "I can't believe I agreed to this" "What is this!?" an Uruk-hai asked as he looked at me and Tauriel "I found her, she shall be rotten in prison" I hissed back since my Orc was larger than the Uruk-hai he then nodded and let me continued walking inside but not before I kicked Tauriel forward and she hissed as I did, I smiled already enjoying this.

As we passed through multiple Orcs and Uruk-hais along with trolls and wargs I could see that Tauriel cringed at each stare as they looked upon us but me I was used to it considering I was an Orc. "Move Elf-filth" I hissed, I was more than enjoying this since I have been dying to do this. As we neared the dungeons since the Orcs gave me some directions there were like tons of doors more than 50. "How are we gonna find him!?" Tauriel complained since no creature was in this part of of mordor just the prisoners.

"Well we are gonna search" I said in a duh voice, I cut Tauriel's bonds on her wrist then we both started searching but after just 20 cells we both grew hopeless and tired. Most of the cells were either empty or had a rotting corpse and just by the thought of a skeleton with blonde hair made me cringe. "Lets check one more then we shall take a rest" Tauriel said as she breathed heavily since the sun wasn't touching us and the air in here was just like lava. but as we opened a cell we saw a figure, we both couldn't make out who really was the prisoner in the cell since it was too dark but all we knew was that the prisoner was alive. I grabbed a torch from the wall and neared the prisoner but then I heard Tauriel gasp as she shouted


I don't usually update 2 chapters in one day but since it took me a long time to update the last one I guess I could update one more. I'll update one chapter from a different story then I'll come back to this one since this one has a major cliffhanger.





Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now