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We were traveling again and I was riding my horse with a frown on my face. Wanna know why? well simply because in front of me was Legolas on his horse and Tauriel walking on foot next to him and both are laughing and joking around as if I wasn't even there or even existed. Jealousy? Naahh... more like rage. Even if I had no right to.

Suddenly the surroundings around me began to look familiar. I lifted my head to look around more closely. I then started having these flashbacks;


I was just chasing a dragonfly out of boredom, seeing as Naneth and Ada were busy with the business and Adanessa was running a few errands for them. I giggled as the dragonfly went on my nose. but as the dragonfly flew away I then heard whimpers and sobs. My head whirled to the direction it was coming from. I tippy toed towards the direction and jumped into the bushes making sure no one notices me. Who knows it could be an Orc crying or Saruman crying because he found out another wizard was stronger than him. A smile appeared on my face at the thought of it.

but as I pushed a few leaves away, there I saw him. Legolas in his warriors outfit. Looking all manly and brave. But my heart fell slightly as I saw him crying. He was a few years older than me and it was really rare to see an elf cry especially a royal one. Well it's Legolas we are talking about so it is really rare indeed.

I could tell he was murmuring something but I couldn't understand nor actually hear what he was saying. So I tried taking a step closer to hear him but me being very clumsy. I stepped on a tree's root and slid making noises in the bushes and pushing a rock in the opening where Legolas was crying. Legolas then picked up his bow and aimed it to the direction I was in. If he just released the arrow, I would be dead by now. I'm glad he was still in his right mind now.

"Who's there!?" he hissed, trying to hide the fact that he was crying and it really sounded like he didn't cry at all. Feeling guilty on spying on him, I pushed myself off the ground and took a step in the opening and once I was in his full view. His eyes widen and he put the bow down. "What are you doing here?" he asked not too friendly. "I was playing around when I saw you..." I couldn't finish the sentence. Scared he might do something harsh to me.

"crying?" he asked now his voice showed friendliness. I just smiled and nod. He chuckled and said "Everyone has to cry eventually" he said as he took his seat again. I could tell he was treating me like a child since I was still very young and he was matured. "I hope I never get to cry" I said awkwardly as I kicked a stone from the ground. He did a crooked smile and said "Everyone will. but who knows if it's tears of joy or tears of pain" I couldn't help but feel my palms get sweaty and my stomach swarmed with butterflies that were seriously having an apocalypse or something.

"So were you crying with tears of joy.... or pain?" I asked, he smile faded but he quickly recovered and said "Tears of sadness" my heart fell again knowing he was in pain and I was just a child who could do nothing about it. I could tell he was in pain since he looked at the ground with a stern face. "I cried before... really badly... " I said and it was true since almost all my life I had been crying because of Tauriel. He just smiled but it soon faded, "Because it was my first time shooting an arrow from a bow and I missed and almost shot your father in the head" I said hoping he wouldn't get angry at that.

He then laughed and said "So you're the famous one who made my father moody for the next few days. You're famous" as he let out a merrily laugh making me smile brightly. "But nothing compared to my sister, she was in lothlorien with my mother offering food to Lady Galadriel and what I heard was when she tried handling a galadrhim sword she cut the March warden's hair (So that's how they met)" Legolas then burst into a vibrating laugh that also made me laugh. "She is more famous than you, I also heard the March Warden scolded her but then they ended up becoming good friends" he said, I smiled and said "Yeah" but right as the mood was about to brighten, I then heard my mother "ELENIEL!" she called out, "Uhh.. I have to go your majesty" I said and bowed and ran away before he could say anything

Beauty and the Orc. [Legolas Fanfic] (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now