Thinking Of You

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          The next day Rena got to work late, due to the fact that she fell to sleep late the previous night cause her thoughts were constantly filled with visions of Alex.
Nevertheless Rena drank her coffee and quickly settled herself into her work.
         About two pm that day her secretary knocked on her door and walked in with a single red rose and an envelope.
"This arrived for you about 5mins ago" and placed the rose and envelope on the table and left.
Rena waited till she was alone and opened the envelope.
"THINKING OF U" were the only words there.
She placed the card in the envelope and set it down on the table and thought to herself could this man really be that sweet and caring.
       Suddenly the phone rang, she picked it up " hello"
"Did u like the rose?"
"Yes thank u Alex" Rena replied
"What about the message as well"
"That was OK,I guess"
"You guess"
Rena smiled at that statement.
"Okay I found it thoughtful and sweet"
"Hmm" Alex replied
"Why the hmm"
   "Well I thought you would fly off the handle, and be what r u thinking Alex, blah, blah, so on and so forth, I have to admit I find your behavior strange I have to wonder if I am talking to Rena or someone else"
"Stop with the teasing Alex you know who you are talking to" Rena replied
"OK so I guess we are definitely on tonight right"
"Yes Alex"
"Okay just making sure, I know you have a lot of work to do so I will see you later, bye"
Rena hung up.
            Rena resumed work secretly anticipating the evening to come.
Rena finished work around six that evening, took her car to be cleaned out then slowly but surely made her way home.

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