A few days had passed and Rena couldn't be more happy, her relationship with alex was better, he didn't mention heɾ fraternisation with ian and it seemed as though alex was more secure in her love for him.
Work was hectic.
About 12 in the afternoon rena decided it was time to finish work for the day.
"Yes madam"
"Cancel the rest of the appointments today I am going home"
"Madam is something wrong"
"Just a bit tired"
"Okay,get better"
Rena left the office and made her way home.
After 30 mins of non stop driving she finally reached home and went straight to bed.
Aɮօʊt 8քʍ tɦɛʀɛ աas a ҡռօċҡ օռ tɦɛ ɖօօʀ, sɦɛ օքɛռɛɖ ɨt aռɖ saա ɨaռ staռɖɨռɢ օռ ɦɛʀ ɖօօʀstɛք.
" ɦɨ!"
"Wɦat aʀɛ ʏօʊ ɖօɨռɢ ɦɛʀɛ?"
Iaռ ʟօօҡɛɖ at ɦɛʀ "աɦat ɨs tɦɛ ʍattɛʀ?"
"Sɷɾɾʏ ɩaŋ I am ŋɷt ʆҽҽɭɩŋɠ wҽɭɭ"
"Caŋ I cɷmҽ ɩŋ ?"
Sɧҽ mɷѵҽɖ aىɩɖҽ tɷ ɭҽt ɧɩm ɩŋ,tɧҽʏ ىat ɷŋ tɧҽ ىɷʆa.
"I bɾɷųɠɧt ىɷmҽ wɩŋҽ tɧat ىɧɷųɭɖ ɧҽɭp ʏɷų ɾҽɭaҳ,I'ɭɭ ɠҽt tɧҽ ɠɭaىىҽى"
Wɧҽŋ ɧҽ ɾҽtųɾŋҽɖ ɧҽ ɠaѵҽ Rҽŋa a ɠɭaىى wɩtɧ wɩŋҽ aŋɖ tɧҽy bҽɠaŋ tɷ ɖɾɩŋk ɩŋ ىɩɭҽŋcҽ, ɧaɭʆwaʏ tɧɾɷųɠɧ Rҽŋa bҽɠaŋ tɷ ʆҽҽɭ a ɭɩttɭҽ ɭɩɠɧtɧҽaɖҽɖ,ɩaŋ ɾҽacɧҽɖ ɷųt aŋɖ bҽɠųŋ tɷ ɾųŋ ɧɩى ɧaŋɖ ųp ɧҽɾ tɧɩɠɧ,ɾҽŋa ɠɾɩppҽɖ ɧɩى ɧaŋɖ "Iaŋ,wɧat aɾҽ ų ɖɷɩŋɠ ?"
"Rҽŋa ų kŋɷw I ɭɷѵҽ ʏɷų,wɧʏ aɾҽ ʏɷų pųttɩŋɠ mҽ tɧɾɷųɠɧ tɧɩى aŋɠųɩىɧ"
"Lɷɷk ɩaŋ I ɭɷѵҽ Aɭҽҳ ɧҽ ɩى wɧɷ I waŋt tɷ bҽ wɩtɧ"
"Rҽaɭɭʏ ɖɩɖ Aɭҽҳ tҽɭɭ ʏɷų ɧҽ ɩى ҽŋɠaɠҽɖ "
"Oɧ pɭҽaىҽ ɟųىt ɭҽaѵҽ mʏ ɧɷųىҽ ʏɷų aɾҽ ɭʏɩŋɠ "
Iaŋ'ى ʆacҽ tųɾŋҽɖ ɾҽɖ " I am ŋɷt ɭҽaѵɩŋɠ ųŋtɩɭ I ɠҽt wɧat ɩى mɩŋҽ"
Sųɖɖҽŋɭʏ ɧҽ ɠɾabbҽɖ ɾҽŋa aŋɖ ɖɾaɠɠҽɖ ɧҽɾ kɩckɩŋɠ aŋɖ ىcɾҽamɩŋɠ ųp tɧҽ ىtaɩɾى,ɩaŋ tɧɾҽw ɧҽɾ ɷŋ tɧҽ bҽɖ aŋɖ ىtaɾtҽɖ tɷ tҽaɾ ɧҽɾ cɭɷtɧҽى ɷʆʆ .
"Dɷŋ't ɖɷ tɧɩى ɩaŋ "
Tɧҽ mɷɾҽ ɾҽŋa bҽɠɠҽɖ tɧҽ mɷɾҽ ҽŋɾaɠҽɖ ɩaŋ bҽcamҽ, ɧҽ ɾɩppҽɖ ɧҽɾ paŋtى ɷʆʆ aŋɖ pųىɧҽɖ ɩŋtɷ ɧҽɾ,ɾҽŋa ىcɾatcɧҽɖ aŋɖ cɭawҽɖ,ىɧҽ ʆɷųɠɧt wɩtɧ ɧҽɾ mɩɠɧt bųt ɩaŋ waى tɷɷ ىtɾɷŋɠ.
Fɷɾ aŋ ɧɷųɾ tɧɩى tɷɾmҽŋt wҽŋt ɷŋ wɧҽŋ ىųɖɖҽŋɭʏ ɩaŋ cɷɭɭɷpىҽɖ ɷŋ tɷp ɷʆ ɧҽɾ.
Hҽ cɭɩmbҽɖ ɷʆʆ ɧҽɾ, ɖɾҽىىҽɖ aŋɖ ɭɷɷkҽɖ at ɧҽɾ "ɩʆ ų tҽɭɭ aŋʏɷŋҽ abɷųt tɧɩى ʏɷų wɩɭɭ ɾҽɠɾҽt ɩt" aŋɖ ɧҽ ɭҽʆt.
Rҽŋa ىtaʏҽɖ ɩŋ bҽɖ cɭųtcɧɩŋɠ ɧҽɾ ىɧҽҽt tɷ ɧҽɾ cɧҽىt aŋɖ cɾʏɩŋɠ, wɧʏ ɖɩɖ tɧɩى ɧappҽŋ tɷ ɧҽɾ ىɧҽ wɷŋɖҽɾҽɖ.
A ʆҽw ɧɷųɾى ɭatҽɾ ɾҽŋa maɖҽ ɩt ɷųt ɷʆ bҽɖ aŋɖ ɠɷt ɩŋ tɧҽ ىɧɷwҽɾ ىɧҽ ىcɾųbbҽɖ ɧҽɾ ىkɩŋ aى tɧɷųɠɧ ɖɩɾt cɭųŋɠ tɷ ɧҽɾ ىkɩŋ ʆɷɾ cҽŋtųɾɩҽى, ɖɾɩҽɖ, ɖɾҽىىҽɖ aŋɖ pɩckҽɖ ųp ɧҽɾ tɷɾŋ cɭɷtɧҽى wɧɩcɧ wҽɾҽ ىcattҽɾҽɖ aɾɷųŋɖ tɧҽ ɾɷɷm, caɭɭҽɖ ɧҽɾ ىҽcɾҽtaɾʏ tɷɭɖ ɧҽɾ ىɧҽ waى takɩŋɠ ىɷmҽ tɩmҽ ɷʆʆ aŋɖ tɷ ɧaŋɖɭҽ ɧҽɾ appɷɩŋtmҽŋtى.

RomanceIt has been said that the house on the top of the hill has always been haunted by a ghost. Some say that a man died there from heartbreak while others say a man hung himself there after he found his wife cheating on him in their bedroom with...