A New Myth: Part 7

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I must admit, the day had been quite...odd. I was a little angry; Maia had almost died.

"Blake, please. Calm down." Maia whispered beside me.

"I am perfectly calm." But she knew me well. Although I didn't show that I was upset, I was.

"I know you. I have known you for the past ten years of my life, you think I don't notice that you're upset?"

"You're too perceptive."

"Blake, what's wrong?"

"I want you to go back home."

"Blake, you know very well I cannot do that."

"Don't deny the fact that we are the least important ones on this quest. Carter and Sadie are more essential to this quest than us. Those demigods have saved the world. What have we done? They can spare us. You can go home. No one will try to stop you."

"Blake, you truly are an idiot if you believe that I would do that."

I sighed.

"Besides Nicole hasn't done anything much either." Maia said.

"Yes but she is half god-half magician."

"Shut up Blake. I'm going to stay on this quest. Don't try to convince me to leave."

I snapped my mouth shut. I would do as she asked, even if I didn't approve.

We walked in silence for awhile, each of us pondering in our own thoughts.

"Blake, do you think I am like Annabeth?" She said with a distaste. I could tell it wasn't Annabeth she hated. She just didn't like the idea of being so similar to another person.

"No. Not at all. You are both smart, but you have many notable differences. She is smart, but slightly sassy. You are not. You are more serious; you don't joke and kid around. You are more refined. And that's what I admire about you."

"Do you wish that we expressed ourselves better?"

"What? No! I am happy with how we are." I knew what she meant. Maia and I loved each other but we didn't exactly express it like Percy and Annabeth.

"Maia we hardly know them. We don't have to act like them."

She sighed. "I suppose you're right. Just second guessing myself again."

"Don't second guess yourself. No one's love is the same as anyone else's. Unless you want me to start holding your hand?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No you idiot. I love you, but I'm only going to say it. Don't you dare start holding my hand or you're going to get a slap to the face."

"See? I told you that you were more refined."

She gave a small hard laugh. "And slapping you is counted as refined?"

"Shut up. If I try to compliment you please accept it."

"We certainly are a strange couple aren't we?"

"Yes. I agree we are."

We walked the rest of the way in silence. I was glad she was the kind of girl I could have a comfortable silence with.



By the time we reached the Argo ll my feet were aching. Sure we could have hailed a cab to get all the way down there but with such a big group it was much easier and safer to walk where we could all keep track of each other. No buses we're headed up this way, neither trains. At least walking gave us something to do.

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