A New Myth: Part 8

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So Leo, being the troublemaker he was, shook up all the pop cans for whoever befell victim. Once he heard Piper and I screaming, he convinced Percy and surprisingly Jason to join in on that prank.

“Look I’m really sorry. I guess you’ve never seen that little side of me.” Leo apologized once again as we talked in the crows nest of the Argo.

I smiled. “It’s okay. I had a suspicion you always had a prankster side to you.”

He smirked deviously. “Is it really that obvious? Is it really so clear I like to cause trouble?”

“Not as clear as it is with the Hermes kids.”

Leo laughed. “Have you met the Stoll twins yet?”

“No, but I’ve heard their names more than a few times around camp. I’m assuming they’re well known.”

“Well known? Those guys are famous for their pranks.”

I shrugged. “I don’t care how many pranks they’ve pulled, even if pranks and jokes are pretty awesome.”

“Then what do you care about?”

“Well, I think Percy is pretty cute. I guess I care about him. It’s too bad he and Annabeth are together.” I said.

Leo frowned. “You like Percy?”

“I’m teasing you idiot. I care about you.” I laughed, tilting my head upwards for a kiss.

He smirked again, leaning back down to meet my lips.

He pulled away, and I laid my head against him, staring out.

“This is a nice little place isn’t it? Way up high, no disturbances. I like it here. Why did you need a crows next on the mast anyways?”

I felt him shrug. “I had a feeling it was needed.”

“I’m glad you built it.”

“Me too. Our own little special place.”

“Exactly.” I muttered as we kissed again.

It had been a week or two on this quest, and we were supposed to be getting close to London soon. Then we would go into the A.P. and then we would cast the spell, set up the block between the two sets of gods and…gods it all seemed like so much.

“What are you thinking about?” Leo asked, playing with my hair.

“London. The quest. How we’re going to do this.”

“Trust me. Quests always seem like that. But it will turn out fine. It always does.” He reassured me.

“I hope so.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.” He said, preparing to kiss me again. We hadn’t really gotten to see each other much this week, with Leo running the ship.

“Stop right there!” Yelled an angry voice.

Leo and I jolted our head up and faced the satyr who had made Percy and Leo do push-ups.

“Coach?” Leo said in alarm. “How did you get here?”

The Coach snorted. “You think I’m going to let you go off on a crazy quest again without me? It was hard to get here, but I went and talked to sweet ol’ Millie. She managed to get me a little ride to catch up with you bunch. I got here just in time, by the looks of it too.”

Coach Hedge turned his angry gaze to me. “You don’t need to influence this one to be an idiot anymore than he already is.” He said, slapping the back of Leo’s head.

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