01: The Kidnapping

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Tonight was just like any other ordinary day in Margaret Grace's life. Well... the use of the word "ordinary" is a stretch. Her life was anything but ordinary.

But now was not the time for sob stories, right?

For Meg, it was the most relaxing time of day: night. Margaret often took walks at midnight simply because she missed so many increments out of the day. She suffered from an odd case of narcolepsy that caused not only random sleeping fits, but blackouts as well. The sleep she got during the day accounted for at least an hour or two at night- which brought her outside for walks.

Which brings her here.

Meg glanced at her watch, reading around 11:57 and counting. Her sneakered feet continued to walk through the city she was temporarily residing in: Star City. Being a traveling Forensic Anthropologist, she often got called up for cases.

But there was something rather peculiar about why she got called to Star City. Margaret doesn't work for a specific company- she was more of a free lancer. A letter just happened to come in the mail to her quiet apartment in Seattle, telling her to move to Star City for a few months to work on a huge case.

So, she packed up her bags and moved out of her home in Seattle to a quaint apartment in Star City. Well... the use of the word "home" can be used rather loosely. It's only been Meg for the past few years. A few years ago- when Meg was diagnosed with her condition, her family had disappeared and was presumed dead.

Meg was left devastated, so she couldn't stick around in Scranton Pennsylvania where she grew up. That's when Margaret was on the move- first to New York City, then Central City (where she got into a horrific car crash the night the Particle Accelerator exploded), then Midway City, and then finally to Seattle.

The loss of her family- consisting of her two parents and older brother- was what made Meg's condition worse. She couldn't account for what had happened in her sleeping fits or blackouts. Some lasted for a few moments, and others for what seemed like hours. Moving away from everything just sort of helped her.

When Margaret got to Star City, however, there wasn't any 'big case' for her to work on. Sure- there were little ones for her to study and share some knowledge with... but not the big case she expected.

But being a Forensic Anthropologist was just her day job. At night- when she wasn't tired enough to fall asleep due to the amount she had gotten during the day, she had other habits and chores to attend to. Meg would read until her head began to hurt and then some- or write short stories or poems about usually anything until her hands cramped up and no longer wanted to function.

As Meg turned the corner, a few booms of thunder rumbled in the distance- signaling incoming rain. She cursed under her breath, wishing she had brought an umbrella out with her on her walk. As nice as Star City was, it rained there just as much as it did in Seattle!

Pulling her hood over her head as the first raindrops started to pour down, Margaret immediately started thinking of a quick way back to her apartment. The rain; already coming down hard, was freezing. Meg's apartment was at least a 25 minute walk from where she was now, so by the time she walked back- ruined sneakers and a small case of hypothermia would be added to her personal list of things gone wrong.

Well, there was the option of a taxi or über, but at that time at night? They'll be thinking Meg was some sort of prostitute or something. Sighing, Margaret shoved her hands deep into her pockets. Walking was good for you, right?

A few shivers raked down her spine, her sweatshirt nearly all the way soaked through within minutes of the first few raindrops. The once comfortable temperature started to drop as well, only aggravating Margaret even further.

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