16: Torturous Sights

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Meg woke up, shivering, on the ground. Her hands were chained behind her- close to where she was being shocked before with the baton. The side of the room she was on was darker than the other- shedding light on Stein and Valentina.

Everything in Meg's body ached, a feeling of helplessness and anger washing over her as she tried to sit herself up. Her lips were tinted blue from the cold, and a cold sweat lined her forehead and neck. Margaret could sense two other people near her- but she wasn't conscious enough to tell.

Then, the door opened, and Meg's head snapped in the direction of the footsteps. Familiar footsteps. Her purple-rimmed eyes scanned the person, and when she saw his face, she scooted back, a shiver rolling down her spine. It was Vandal Savage.

He spoke to Stein so softly Meg couldn't hear what he was saying. Well, she didn't exactly want to hear what he was saying either. Stein could have told them everything- or was about to- and Meg didn't want to hear that. The red head looked at the dark outlines of the two people a few feet away from her. Their statures were familiar- she recognized the heights and broadness of shoulders. Definitely men. Who would be here, with her and Stein, that could be of use to Valentina or Savage?

Then she paled.

Ray and Mick.

Vostok and Savage are going to torture them so Stein would give up information. Meg shivered, shifting her body to move her hands in front of her- grimacing from the stiff, flaming wounds in her side. If she could only use her powers to get through those cuffs- she could try and get them all out of there.

The cuff encircling Meg's forearm that kept her condition from acting up was cool against her skin. She remembered the wires and pins Rip used to keep the metal cuff working. Perhaps she could try and use them to get her chains unlocked.

Using her other hand, Margaret grabbed onto her cuff- her fingers trying to find someway to open up the flexible metal material. The more she tugged and pulled the cuff- the more the back of her head throbbed. She just needed one pin to get loose. That's all.

Bright lights suddenly filled the side of the room Margaret, Mick, and Ray were on. Meg squinted, her eyes not yet adjusted to the light after spending the better part of two days in near blackness. She moved her hand away from her cuff as eyes landed on her and her two comrades. Ray and Mick were a few feet away from the red head, their arms chained above their heads to a thick metal pipe. They wore Gulag prison jump suits that were brought down to their waste, leaning them bare chested. Electric patches were clad all over their chests- hooked up to some sort of machine.

Meg's eyes landed on Ray, who sported a black eye, busted lip, and several bruises all over his face. What did they do to him? Sure, Meg couldn't have looked much better, but she couldn't see herself at the moment.

Her stomach twisted in some sort of worry or fear- wondering what was going to happen to all of them. Was the rest of the team going to save them? Were they even trying to save them?

"If you do not answer my questions, Dr. Stein, then I will show you exactly how I have perfected the art of breaking a man, just as Joseph Stalin perfected it." Savage grinned. The guard pulled down a lever, causing electricity to fill the bodies of Meg's two teammates. They yelled in pain- the chains clanging against the pipes as they struggled to get out. Margaret pulled on her chains, anger slowly boiling in her gut.

"Didn't you say you were going to go all Rocky Four on my ass?" The guard asked Mick as he turned up the level of voltage. The heatwave smiled, nostrils flaring as he recovered from the shock.

"I lied. He lives 'til the end." Mick grinned- causing the guard to pull down the lever again. The two teammates howl in agony, their faces twisted in pain. Meg pulled harder on her chains, not being able to handle seeing her friends being tortured like that. She slowly felt her adrenaline rise with her anger, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

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