13: Stealth Mode

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After Meg changed into some regular, warmer clothes (those heels were killing her feet in the cold air), she headed back into the piloting room where Ray and Snart were discussing the finds of their little evening excursion to Rip and Dr. Stein.

"I mean, I didn't ask her anything unusual like Raymond was getting at. The woman was lovely, like she had nothing to hide. I did snatch her wallet and keycard, though." Snart shrugged his shoulders, pleased with himself.

"So you didn't find anything out about the weapons programs?" Rip asked.

"I tried approach her and ask her a few simple questions, but we hit some complications.." Ray scratched the back of his head. Margaret smiled cheekily, deciding now was the time to announce her arrival.

"And by complications, you mean Valentina straight out rejected you." She laughed. Leonard held up his hand for her to high five, which Margaret took quickly. Ray stuck out his tongue at her, causing Meg to gasp in fake hurt.

"Anyways, that's everything we were able to find out. I mean, Snart and Valentina had a romantic.... eventful.... evening. She didn't seem like she was hiding anything." Meg threw her input on the table, wondering what everyone else would think of her information.

"Seem. Exactly. We don't know if we can trust this Valentina." Stein argued, eyeing the ingestible translators. What was he getting at?

"So what do you want us to do, Doc?" Leonard asked in his sly voice. Suddenly, all the pieces quickly put themselves together inside of Margaret's brain. She then violently shook her head at what she thought was the biggest nope in the history of nopes.

"That's insane! There's no way that could work... unless- no. No way." Meg folded her arms defiantly. Dr. Stein heaved a sigh, taking off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose.

"We don't know what kind of weapons Miss Vostok could be building, Margaret. They could be nuclear scale! All for Savage. We have to stop it." The scientist exclaimed. Meg tucked a piece vibrant red hair behind her ear as she bit her lip nervously.

"It's the Soviet freaking Union. If they catch us, we'll be dead on the spot." She argued.

"Which is why we are going to go at night and sneak in. Trust me, Red, I have never met a building I couldn't get myself into." Snart folded his arms, raising his brow.

"That's why you swiped her keycard wasn't it?" Meg asked, resting her hands on her hips as she paced uncertainly back and forth. This plan was destined the fail, she could tell... but they had to at least try.

"Perceptive." Was his cold response.

Meg closed her eyes, absently fiddling with the cuff around her forearm. She was being stupid and scared. A complete coward! There hasn't been a day since she joined the team that the red head had been brimming over with fear. Does everyone feel this, or was it just her?

But Stein was right, who knew what kind of weapons Valentina could have been building for Savage... and she might not even be aware! For the sake of the world, she needed to suck it up, go in with the rest of the team, and find out.

After she gave Raymond a nervous glance, Meg nodded her head. Her hands were drummed a rhythm on the table as she sighed heavily.

"Okay... you're right. Let's do this." Meg cracked her fingers quickly.

"Now? You mean now?" Rip asked Stein, who swallowed an ingestible translator. Margaret's hands shook with nerves by her side, not used to the whole "breaking into the Soviet Union" mindset the whole team seemed to have.

Sure, she had a pretty good way of defending herself with her Metahuman powers, and her cuff prevented her from blacking out or falling asleep, but this mission was still highly dangerous. Meg had a right to be overwhelmed with fear.

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