38: The New Deputy

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"How is it that every time you guys are in a bar, you find the need to start a fight?" Meg asked, face palming herself as her eyes surveyed the brawl. Snart threw a quick punch, then shrugged.

"Tell me you wouldn't do the same for Stein, now would you, Red?"

"I wouldn't have killed the son of a bitch."

A glass came flying Meg's way, which caused her to duck so she wouldn't be hit. She couldn't use her powers now- or else the Hunters would surely find them. So fighting wasn't really her best chance.

Ducking behind a flipped table, Meg sighed, moving out of the way as Sara body slammed another bozo on the redhead's little place of shelter. Quickly she got up, huffing.

"You guys are insane." Meg made a quick exit for the door, reaching for the small earpiece in her boot to call Rip. A hand roughly grabbed hers, and pulled her closer to the bar. So much for leaving.

"You aren't goin' anywhere, sweet pea." A voice growled in her ear. Anger rose in Meg's gut as he raised a fist, but she managed to keep her temper and powers contained.

As she tried to pull out of the grasp of the Old Western pedophile, he swung down. A move Sara once taught Meg popped into her mind, and she found herself jerking out of the way. The fist connected her jaw instead of her nose, but at least her good ole sniffer wasn't broken. That would have been a mess.

"You sure about that, bud?" Meg could feel her anger rising and her adrenaline kicking in, but it was all she could do to keep herself from lashing out. It wasn't like herself to have this little control over her powers- like back to when she first discovered them. It hasn't gotten 100% better since then- but now was a noticeable decrease in control.

The man tightened his grip, and tried to throw a punch aimed at the redhead's stomach. However, Meg's reflexes were faster- her fist was able to connect with his face. Ouch.

"That's enough playtime." A few gunshots rang out, and the bar went silent. People quickly started to clear out, even the man who had a hold on me. As Meg turned to the man who shot the gun, she paused. What was wrong with his face? Burns? Lacerations?

"Thank you, Mister...." Ray began, letting out a sigh of relief. Meg gripped her sore hand, breathing deeply from the amount of rage that resides inside of her. Looking down at her feet, Meg clenched her fists tightly as she shoved them into her pockets. She wanted more than anything to use her powers- but knew she couldn't.

"Hex." The man said, "Jonah Hex.... Now y'all aren't from around here are you?"

"No." Stein answered, "My friends and I are from out of town."

"Way out of town." Sara added.

"Alright... Now why don't you tell me where you're really from?" Jonah asked, gun displayed. Margaret exchanged a few looks with the team, then returned her glance to Mr. Hex.

"I'm afraid that's none of your business." Snart said coldly, his usual smug grin plastered on his face.

"Now... Let me rephrase that. You eight stick out like dogs in a manger. You're not the first time travelers I've come across."

The group paused, unsure of what to do.

"Now y'all are gonna tell me where Rip Hunter is."


"How is it every time we go somewhere you feel the need to bring home... Strays?" Rip paused when he laid his eyes on Jonah, as if he's seen his before. Containing her rage, Meg occupied herself by pacing the floor.

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