20: Slaying in 2046 Star City

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"So I just put this wire here?"

"No- not there. That'll blow the whole city ."


"No I'm just kidding. Right there- the wire right next to that will blow the whole city up."

"Palmer I swear to god-"

"Sorry, Meg, just a little techie humor."

"Do I look like I'm laughing?"

"Yes. You are laughing."

"Because you made me."

Meg carefully rewired the temporal monitor, heavily watched by Raymond in case she was about to make a mistake that would blow the whole city up. Her hands were smaller than his, and didn't shake as much when they connected wires (it was hard to keep them steady when his arms and back were still sore from their time in the Gulag). Instead, Ray was realigning the ion stabilizer- or that is what it sounded like to Meg. She didn't understand most of the tech terms he used, but went along with it anyways.

With the last wire carefully put in place, Margaret set the miniature tools down on the table, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay.. That is done. Thank god." The red head crackled the joints on her fingers, then took a seat on the chair behind her.

"The others should be back soon. How's the engine?" Ray called through the mic. Meg picked hers up off the table and shoved it into her ear to hear a response.

"Almost done. Just another twenty minutes and we should be golden." Jax replied.

"Great! I'm going to take a short walk, maybe check out that training room or something." Meg shrugged, dusting off imaginary dirt from her pants as she got to her feet.

"And do what?" Ray asked.

"Try not to blow everything up." Meg shrugged, her voice slick and sarcastic.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Kendra asked through the mic. Meg killed it over for a moment in her head, then said her response.

"That'd be great! Thanks." Meg chimed, her hands shoved deep into her pockets as she neared the training room.

The interior of the room resembled something that came straight from a movie- like The Hunger Games or something. Targets were on the far side, some mats laid on the ground for combat. Besides the various targets and mats- punching bags hung from the ceilings and a large variety of weapons were scattered on shelves and tables everywhere.

"This place is nice." Meg whispered to herself, studying the place carefully with her calculative eye. She wanted to know where to start. After all, it's not like she needed to be a trained assassin- Sara already had that covered. All Meg needed was to learn how to effectively control her powers.

"Sara and I went here to train right when you, Stein, Mick, and Ray were kidnapped." Kendra piped up, standing in the doorway of the training facility. Meg cursed under her breath, thankful that she had the cuff on her wrist to keep her from falling asleep from her condition. The red head's fright caused the winged team member to laugh.

"Looks pretty high-tech." Margaret said after a moment of composing herself from the startle, "Where do we begin?"

Kendra walked over to a small door in the corner- sort of like a closet or locker you'd see at the gym. She quickly pulled the knob, opening up the door.

"Well, for starters, you aren't wearing jeans and converse to train or fight. Maybe something a little more... breathable" Kendra said as she sorted through the clothing. The way she dismissed several pairs of gym leggings and sneakers gave Meg the impression that Kendra already had something in mind for her.

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