44: Out of Time

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"Rip... What are we gonna do?" Kendra asked, nervously fiddling with the ring on her finger. Meg glared at it for a moment, but continued to pace frantically around the room.

The Pilgrim had Kyle.


"Simple. I'm gonna hand her my younger self." Rip said, shrugging his shoulders. Meg raised a brow, shaking her head.

"You said that would rupture the timeline so many times it wouldn't hold." She piped in, wiping the stray tears that still remained on her face.

"I know... Meg... But trust me- I have a plan." He said to her. Meg gave him a desperate look while shaking her head, tucking rusty locks behind her ears. 

How did Rip have a plan? Their younger selves were out of existence for the time being, the Pilgrim had all of their loved ones at gunpoint, and there wasn't another moment where they could go back to prevent this. 

They were out of time. All of it... Which was kind of ironic for a bunch of Time Travelers.

"Everyone suit up. I shall retrieve my younger self, and then we will face the Pilgrim." The former Time Master instructed.

"How do we plan on doing that, exactly?" Leonard asked, raising a brow. Sara gave him a look- and he smugly returned it. Rip sighed, and began to explain.

"We will try to stop the Pilgrim, which will create a distraction for Michael, or my younger self. I wasn't as innocent as you people may think."

"I don't think any of us were." Mick grumbled.


Meg's blast of light easily hit the target, exploding into sparks. A keen smile flashed on her face as she grabbed a throwing knife from the rack. Turning around, Meg heated up the knife with some light and chucked it at a target across the room. It slammed right into the target's chest- a kill hit. Another lands in the eye area. Kill hit.

"What did that dummy ever do to you?" Ray walked in, clad in his ATOM suit. Meg's glance followed the billionaire as he walked towards her, his eyebrow raised.

"If I pretend that the dummies are certain people- they did a lot to me." She muttered, grabbing another throwing knife.

"Well, you shouldn't waste your energy and go in blinded by your anger." Ray said, "We won't get your brother back, or any of our loved ones back that way."

Meg let out a short breath, a brow quirked as she chucked the knife at another dummy- the blade slicing into its face. A triumphant smile worked its way onto Meg's face, happy with her progress in training.

"That's how my powers work. I have to raise my adrenaline." She told him, her tone anything but cheery. Ray looked down at his feet, about to say something, but Meg cut him off.

"I see you and Kendra are engaged."

Merely saying it made her stomach churn with uneasiness and her heartstrings tug with emotions. He's marrying Kendra. It was over for Meg and him.

"Yeah..." His bright smile faded slowly, "But if I'm not Carter, then apparently it'll end in loss or heartbreak."

Cracking her neck, Meg started towards the door, tying her rusty red locks up into a ponytail.

"Wouldn't want your heart to be broken." Meg advised, "I know you love Kendra... But just be careful."

She left Ray in the training room, her fingers anxiously tapping her outer thighs as she met the rest of the team.

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