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"Meg!" Someone called as they headed into the redhead's room. Meg looked up, her face free of any tears that had once been streaking down her cheeks. Instead, a hardened gaze was fixed on the wall, her hands clenched into steady fists. Jax came strolling into the bathroom, where Meg sat on the counter moping. He sighed.

"We aren't going to find Sara and get Snart back with that attitude, now are we?" He asked, folding his arms. Meg looked up to meet his eyes, her eyes almost expressionless as they met his.

"Depends." She retorted in a dry voice. Jax ran a hand over his buzzed hair, and offered Meg hand to allow her to safely hop off the counter.

"They could really use the help of a Forensics specialist to find our friends." Jax explained. Meg let out a long sigh, taking his hand to scoot from the counter. She reached up to tuck a few dark red strands of hair from her face, allowing the 20-year-old to lead her from her room.

"Do they? Or is this some excuse to get me to come out of my hobbit hole?" Meg asked in a snarky tone. She was taken back by the harshness of her voice, but was so drained of emotion at the moment Meg didn't care to apologize.

The combustible half of Firestorm smirked, shrugging his shoulders.


The two of them headed to the main deck, where Rip and the rest of the accountable members of the team were gathered around the computer. Meg didn't make eye-contact with any of them, but proceeded towards the group with a sullen expression.

"Ah! Miss Grace. I believe you can help us in finding Miss Lance." Rip said. Meg quirked a brow, and glanced down at the blank screen.

"By doing what?" She asked, giving the captain a sideways glance. He raised his eyebrows, which caused Meg to quickly scan the test of the group- who all donned with same look. Deduction- the same way Margaret was able to figure out Professor Boardman was Kendra and Carter's son.

"Okay! Fine." Meg closed her eyes, thinking back on every conversation she had with Sara- as well as facts about the White Canary that she had been able to figure out. Miss Lance had been resurrected from the Lazarus pit in Nanda Parbat- which gave her an undeniable bloodlust whenever she fought.

That was it.

"The League of Assassins. It has existed for hundreds upon hundreds of years." Meg said.

"You sure?" Ray asked her. Meg sent him a cold glare before shrugging her shoulders.

"It's only a theory." She replied quietly, feeling her stomach twist from the uneasiness between them. Looking back down at the screen, Meg began to search and pull up a few records.

"The Shadow records. Every single member of the League of Assassins since the invention of writing in 3200 B.C." Rip explained. Everyone looked at the papyrus with a dull expression.

"I mean, good job and all, but the papyrus is blank." Kendra pointed out. Meg furrowed her brows, studying the records with a confused expression. Was this some kind of trick?

"No, it's not." Meg said, using a finger to scroll through the records. She was able to read each line of the records with ease- even though they were in Arabic.

"That's where Margaret comes in." Gideon chimed in. Meg looked up, completely confused.

"Okay, is there something you guys know that I don't?" She asked quickly in a defensive manor, "Because screw you guys for not telling me."

Rip smiled, and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, when you were unconscious during Cronus's attacks, Gideon did a quick body scan on you. She noticed a bit of brain activity that wasn't there compared to your last scan. Turns out you have adapted quite the metahuman abilities." The captain explained.

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