Chapter 3

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"Wakes wakey eggs and bacy." I hear someone whisper to me and shake me. I groan and flip over. "No for real eggs and bacon are here." They say seriously and shake me again. I open my eyes and see someone standing there. I jump up and grab their arm. I twist it an pull it behind their back. "What do you want?" I growl and pull on their arm a little more to show them I'm serious. "nothing ow Avery." They say but I don't let go. "It's me Calum." They say and I instantly let go. I crawl away and pull my knees up to my chest. I rest my head my knees and say "to many memories." to myself. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I flinch. Calum pulls his hand away and sit down next to me. "Avery you ok?" He asks and I shake my head. He moves closer to me and pulls me in for a hug. "What happened?" He asks me softly after a few seconds. "One of my adoptive parents. They woke me up and then abused me because I wouldn't get up." I say an wrap my arms around his torso. He rubs my back soothing me. "Sorry." I say and look up at him. "Hey it's ok. I was freaked out for a second but I understand now." He says to me and smiles down at me. "Now let's go eat." He says and pulls me on my feet and drags me down the stairs. I laugh as he pushes me into a chair and brings out a tray of food. It is full of things like eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, and other things. He sets the whole thing in front of me. "There you go." He says and takes a seat next to me. "Is this all for me!?" I ask and gap at him. He nods and says "Ashton told me about your anorexia." I rub me face and rip a small piece of pancake off. I pop it in my mouth and say "ok all done." Calum looks over at me then at the door way. Ashton is standing there and I slouch down in my seat. He comes and sits on the other side of me and says "No your not." I sigh and glare at him. "Fine but every day you take one more bit then you did the day before. Deal?" He says and I nod. I run upstairs and lock myself in my room. I go to my suitcase and pull out my blade. I go to the bathroom and slide it across my wrist once, twice, three, four, five, six, seven, eig... That's when the world went black.

"Avery please wake up." I hear someone in the distance say. I feel a warm feeling in my right hand and a squeeze from the thing. I try to squeeze back but can't. "Avery please. It's been a week now."a new person says but closer. I use all my strength to give a small squeeze back to the person holding my hand. "Guys she squeezed my hand!" Someone says and the warmth leaves my hand. "Avery are you there? Are you awake?" Someone says to my almost right I front of me. "Twitch your finger right here if you can." They say and I feel a hand touch my left hand. I use my strength again and move my finger. I hear cheers and someone crying. "Hey baby girl."someone says to me. Ashton? Is that you? Ashton! "Ash..." I hear myself mumble. The noise stops and I hear someone whisper "Ashton we are going to be outside." I hear a door open and close. "God Avery. We thought you were going to die." He says and cries. I am able to open my eyes so I do. "Hi Ashton." I say in a raspy voice. He looks up and jumps at me. "AVERY!!! GUYS GET IN HERE SHES UP!!!" He yells and seconds later all 4 of them are crowded into the room. They all smile at me and I smile weakly back. The doctor then walks in and is surprised. "You weren't suppose to wake up." He mumbles and I am shocked. Ashton snaps his head to look at him. "You said that she was going to wake up. What dO YOU MEAN SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WAKE UP?!?!" He rises his voice at the doctor and the doctor leads him outside. A minute later Ashton storms back in carefully pulls off all of the needles and plugs. He picks me up bridal style and shoves the doctor out of the door way and leaves the hospital. We all sit in silence until we pull up to a different hospital. "Ashton what are we doing?" I ask and look over at him. "You getting better without being lied to." He said and ran around to my side of the car. He once again picks me up and carries me into the hospital. He brings me inside and walks up to the counter. "Yes hello I'm my daughter here had passed out a week ago from something. We took her to a hospital and they lied to us about her so I brought her here." Ashton say to the lady and she nods. They bring a wheelchair out and Ashton sets me in it. They push me into a room and help me up onto the bed. They start setting up the machines. They finish and walk out. A few seconds later a doctor comes in without looking at me. "Hello I'm doctor Williams. Let's find out what is wro..." He stops mid sentence finally looking at me. "A...Avery!?" He say and I look at him confused. "My little pumpkin pie? My little warrior?" He says and I instantly have a flashback.


"Daddy!!!" I hear my 2 year old self scream. A man runs into the room an picks me up. "What's wrong my little pumpkin pie?" The man asks me. "Monsters." I say and point to under the bed. He bends down slightly looking under the bed. "Well I don't see any but if they do come after I leave just tell them that you're my little warrior. Ok?" He asks me and I nod.

*end of flashback*

I look at the man in front of me. He has brown hair streaked with gray and blue eyes like mine. "Dad!?" I say and we lock eyes.

Oh snap!!! Who is that man? Is it really her dad or just a man? If it is her dad what does he want now?

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