Chapter 8

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A week later

"AVERY HURRY UP!!!" Ashton yells up to me. I grab my last suitcase and pull it out of my room and down the stairs. I pull on my flats and walk out to the van that was picking us. Blake helps me put my suitcase in the back and sits next to me in the van. Yeah the boys agreed that it would be fine for Blake to come with us for 2 months. Michael wasn't happy about it. Ashton hops in and we make our way to the air port.
After waiting we are finally able to get on our flight. I sit by the window next to Blake and Ashton next to him. The other 3 and sitting in front of us. I lay my head on Blake's shoulder and fall asleep considering it is midnight. Australia here I come.

"Avery." Someone says to me and shakes me awake. I open my blue eyes and see Blake's brown eyes. I smile and let my eyes adjust. "We're here." He says and stands up. He holds his hand out for me to take and I do. He pulls me up and I follow him out of the plane and we meet up with the guys. I see Michael glance at Blake and I's hands. He turns away when he sees me looking.

Michaels pov

I see them holding hands. I have a feeling that Blake is not who he says he is. I should be the one holding her hand. Looking into her icy blue eyes lovingly. I need to show her how I feel but how? When?

Averys pov

We all get into a cab outside the airport that brings us tour homes. 2nd to last is Blakes rental home. He kisses my cheek and gets out. It's just me and Ashton now. "So when are we going to see your family?" I ask fake happily. "Um tomorrow night." He tells me as I choke on my spit. "But I have to find a dress, and shoes, and acces..." I am cut off by Ashton's laugh. "I know. I know that is why we are going after we drop our stuff off." I nod and look out the window for the rest of the time. We reach what I am guessing is Ashton's house as the cab stops. "Just wait here please." Ashton tells the driver as we get out. We drag out bags to the door and Ashton unlocks it. We put everything just inside the door and run back out to the cab. The cab brings us to be he mall and he pays the driver. We walk up to the door of a HUGE mall. Ashton's holds the door open for me as I walk through. (A/N notice that last sentence. See how it's says "ashton holds the door open for me as a walk through." Girls I think you will agree with me that if I am going on a date with a guy. A he doesn't hold the door open for me inside or outside I will walk away right there as boys when you take your girl on a date hold the door open for them! Alright done.) we look around at all the shops and finally I point out one that has a bunch of fancy dresses. We walk inside an I gasp at everything here. "So the dinner is really fancy so yeah." Ashton's tells me and follows me into the store. We look at tons an after about and 2 hours I have 6 dresses in my changing room ready be tried on. I pick out a finally dress. I walk to my changing room and start pulling on dresses.
1. To short
2. To tight
3. Not pretty on me
4. To lose
5. Not pretty on me
6. Good size, shows my fat
I sigh and look at the lay dress I picked up. "Please be the one." I say and pull it on. I zip it up (it has a side zipper) and look in the mirror. I gasp and smile. "Guessing you found one?" Ashton asks me from the other side of the door. "Yeah." I say and take in my appearance. "Then show me." Ashton whines and I sigh again. I unlock the door and step out. Ashton also gasps and says in a very high voice "OMG THAT IS LIKE SOOOOO PRETTY!" I laugh and go back into the changing room. I take one last glance at the dress and take it off. I pull my clothes back on and carry the dress out. Ashton pays for it and we walk to a store a couple of shops away. I look around at the thousands of pairs of shoes. I grab a pair of stilettos an try them on. I love them so ASHTON pays (even though I wanted to) and we leave. We enter the next shop and I look around again. I look at many pairs of jewelry and decide on a necklace and earrings. Ashton pays for the 3rd (and last) time. We run out of the mall and hop into a cab.

Sorry for the bad chapter but on a good note I wrote the last paragraph of the book and I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH! I am so excited but sad to get there.

Few people will know this but if you do comment the exact same words. Ok ready?

MAD MAX!!! (Now only comment if you know and don't give it away)

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