Chapter 11

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Averys pov

I open my eyes and am surprised to see Michael holding me. The memories for last night hit me like a boulder. I shake Michael awake. He wakes up and looks at me. "Hello Avery." He says and gets up. "Michael I need to leave." I tell him and he nods. I follow him out of his room and out to his car. I get into the passenger seat sigh. "Now can you tell me what happened last night?" Michael asks me and I shake my head. "Why not?" He asks me almost sounding hurt. "Because if I do you will get hurt." I tell him and look down at my lap. He pulls over to the side of the road and looks at me. He bites his lip and looks at me again. "Hey Avery?" He asks me for a 3rd time. "Yeah?" I ask back and look at him. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and smile. I pull away after a second. Michael is smiling and so am I. He starts to drive again and I look at him from the corner of my eye. "Michael?" I ask him this time. "Yeah?" He asks me and I think about what I'm going to say. "I'm going to break up with Blake." I tell him and he nods his head. "I know that Blake hurt you last night." He tells me and I look out the window. "Can you tell me please?" He begs me. I shake my head. "One day though right?" He asks me and I nod. My stomach does a back flip as he said one day meaning he wants us to last. I smile and look out the window again. We reach Ashton's house in after a few seconds. Michael gets out of his car with me. I walk up to him and look up into his eyes. "Thanks for the drive." I say and stand on my tip-toes to kiss him. "Tomorrow." I tell him referring to Blake. "Tomorrow." He repeats. I smile and grab Michaels hand. We walk up to the front and I open the door. We let go of our hands before we walked inside. "Avery? Is that you?" Ashton called to me "yeah. And Michaels here too." I tell him. I smile at Michael and say "I'm going to take a shower. Tell ash if he wonders." He nods and kisses my forehead. I leave the room and walk up the stairs and into my room. I close the door smiling.

After a nice calming shower I get out and get into some pajamas. I search for my phone but I remember that I left it at Blake's. I walk downstairs and see Ashton. "Hey." I tell him and he looks at me and smiles. I walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Ashton sits at the island across from where I am. "Blake stopped by Btw. Yeah guess you left your phone." He tells me holding out my phone. "Thanks." I tell him and grab phone. He grips my phone tighter and is staring at my neck. He jumps out of his seat pulling my phone with him. He skids around the island and grabs my shoulder. He tilts my head and after a second he moves away. He plants my phone in my hand and storms off. I rush upstairs and into my bathroom. "Shit." I mutter and trace the love marks made by Blake. I sit on my bed and unlock my phone. I gasp and drop my phone. It's a picture of Michael and I kissing before we went inside. It will only get worse. It was a text sent from my phone to Blake's.

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