27 The Day He Relised

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•*•Nick Hunter•*•

We spend the drove joking and screaming to songs, Ash's voice the only one in tune and actually sounding nice.

Did I just compliment her?

Once we get out the car I pass everyone their boards. Soon they are all running down to the sand placing the boards down.
I can see Ash take off her shirt revealing her perfect figure.

Why am I looking right now?

"Come on!" She shouts, as I start running towards her.

Minuets later we were in the cool water, our boards floating in the deep.

"Don't take my fin away this time." I look over to see her by my side, her body pressed on her board.

"I'll try not to, but you never know." I say, as she laughs a little at my response.

We paddle close to each other looking for waves and occasionally teasing each other like normal. Soon I notice some one slit our boards up.

"Taken her fin yet, Nick?" Noah says.

"Nah, thinking about doing that later." I reply.

Soon Ash and Noah start to talk so I paddle further out catching my first wave of the day.

We spent half an hour out when the sun started to set.

"Hey shall we go into town for food before it gets dark?" Joe suggests and we all agree and head into town.


At around five we order our take away meals and begin to wait.

"Hey ash looks like you got a scar formin'" Matt spots a small scar on her left arm.

"Yeah doesn't look the nicest."  Ella says scrunching her face up.

"Shit. Do you have Bio Oil here?" Ash asks and Ella laughs.

"Yeah. Why?" Joe responses.

"If you haven't noticed I'm English like Ella. So different country, different things." She says.

"Not much different at all actually." Noah says.

"Ella's English?" I ask surprised.

"Yes governor! That's how we know each other, that and now we are at the same school in senior year now."

"Do you guys really say that?" Matt asks stupidly.

"That's not stereotypical at all is it?" Ash laughs sarcastically.

"Yeah we do have Bio Oil, Ash." Noah changes the subject.

"Cool, can you guys stay here while I go get some?"

"Yeah sure."

"I'll come with you," the guys look at Noah as he talks while Ella looks at Ash, smile across her face eyebrows up. "Cause you don't know where it is." He kind of saves him self.

"It's fine I've got to get burn cream, since there's now some words on my back, I'll go." I say knowing I need to get revenge and the cream at the same time.

"Let's go!" And we're out.


I take Ash round the sea bank way, ready to get my revenge. As we walk I find a lower bit of the wall so I hop onto it.

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