59 More Surprises

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"Who's sitting with who on the coach?" I asked.

"Well, I want to sit next to my girl ferns if that's ok." Joe said, putting her arm around Ella.

Last Tuesday their date went really well and since then they had been acting like a couple who had been together for ages.

"And I am going to attempt to sit next to Jake." Matt said. Ever since he told us he was gay, he'd also gained a little crush for Jake, one of the smart but sort of popular guys.

Jake was gay, and the whole school knew it since he told them apparently in January. He had the same sort glasses that, no offence, geeks would wear and his hair was blonde and messy.

"That means your with me, princess." Nick took my arm and lead me to the chairs behind Ella and Joe.

I put my music on and my earphone in.
"Earbud?" I offered him handing him the other one.

"Dake." He said in German as he took it from me.

"Hey, I thought that was my thing!" I pouted.

"And I thought we agreed it was our thing." He smiled at me. "Nice choice in music by the way. Strange playlist but nice." He chuckled.

I understood what he meant. I had chosen the playlist with all my favourite bands and Artists in. It was a bit of a wired mix.
There was songs by:
Ed Sheeran


Foo Fighters

Jack Johnson

Royal blood


And many, many more.

"What's up?" Nick nudged me.

"Nothing." I lied.
I wasn't sure what was going to happen at the carnival. Since I was scared of heights, I wasn't to keen on rides and I didn't want to hold everyone back from their fun.

"Ash, I can see right through you. Your lying." He confronted me.

"I'm not to sure about this." I mumbled.

"What? The rides?" He looked at me. "Princess, I know your not the biggest fan of heights, but nothing will happen. You are going to go on every ride with me and it's all going to be fine. I promise."

"Really?" I mumbled, unsure to believe him or not.

"Yes, now wanna play truth or dare?"

"Shoot!" I said.


•*• Nick Hunter•*•

I watched as Ash climbed out the coach, unsure but excited. It made me laugh. When she was excited about something she looked like a playful puppy.

Following Joe and Ella, I lined up waiting for our ticket to get in.

"Ready princess?" I turned.

"No." She mumbled.

"Come on, for me?" I face a playful pout.

"Fine." She gave in, making me wonder why she said yes when I said 'for me'.

Once we collects are the tickets we stepped into the field, where rides were set up and games where set out around the place.

"To the tea cups!" Joe chanted, grabbing Ella's hand and pulling her toward them. Ash ran after them and soon I saw Matt chasing behind. Guess I'm going to have to join them.

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