63 The Notebooke 28 Days Later

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I watched the fire flicker in front of me, as I twisted my golden brown marshmallow around on a sharpened stick Nick found and carved.

Today was amazing.

I put my head on Nicks shoulder. "Don't sleep just yet, princess. We've still got a lot planned."

"You do that, I'll just sit here and sleep, maybe watch a movie." I told him, yawning.

"That is my plan. Movie marathons in a tent. Deal?" He chuckled, smiling down at me.

"Deal." I smiled back.

"Good, now let's finish these s'mores!" He smashed his marshmallow between his chelate biscuits and took a bite, making me laugh. "What? It was my last one, I had to make it special."

I burst out laughing once again.
"I love your laugh." He said, making me smile.

I took my marshmallow and smashed them between my biscuits, just like Nick had done.
"Your right. It's my last one, I had to make it special." I mimicked.

"Your a weird one, princess." He ruffled my hair.

"But you love me anyway!" I exclaimed, sarcastically.
Neither of us had said the words, so I assumed it was sarcastic.
Maybe for him, anyway. But I wasn't sure for me.

Maybe I was falling for him.

Nick chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Come on, these movies won't watch themselves."

He took my hand and lead me to the white tent, he set up apparently 'just for us'.

As I stepped in, I was hit by a golden lamp light, brightening the whole thing. Just in front of our feet were two sleeping bags and a portable DVD player in the middle of them. On the right there was food set out with drinks and plates and bowls.

He did this all me.

"Wo." Was all I managed to say.

"Stop gawking and get in your sleeping bag so we can watch the movies." Nick ordered, laughing lightly.

I walked over to a sleeping bag and attempted to unzip it. Failing, I started to yank the zip harder and shook it violently, until something came off, causing a loud snap.

"What did you do princess?" Nick laughed.

"It, kinda broke." I mumbled.

"You owe me a kiss and a sleeping bag now." He smirked. "I'm joking, come in here." He lifted the top part of the sleeping bag, gesturing to come into his.

I stood there for a while, not sure what to do.
"Just come here, gorgeous. I won't bite unless you want me to." He smirked and patted the space next to him as I walked around to his side.

"What movie will it be first, gorgeous?" He asked.

"28 days later." I said pointing to it.

"Not 'The Notebook? I brought it especially." I assumed he was joking until I saw the DVD in the pile. "What, even you must like some girly movies. Plus it this movie makes me cry." He admitted.

"Nick, I have several things to say to you." I started. "One:I'm English, I doubt we even have The Notebook, and if we have; I haven't watched it. Two: what do you mean by 'even me'? And three: you cried when you watched it?" I snorted.

"Yes I did." He laughed. "Say my full name again."

"Why do you keep asking me to do this?" I asked.

"Because, I like it when you say it. It could be your accent, I don't know, I just like it." He smiled at me.

"At least it's not a posh one, Nicholas Hunter." I smiled.

"Thank you." He kissed me. "Now we can watch '28 days later' then 'the notebook' after. Deal."

"Deal." I pecked his lips.

I turned on my side to see the screen. Nick soon did the same and snaked his arm around my waist.

By the end of The Notebook, only Nick was crying. And I found that hilarious.

"Your a big softie, you know that?" I told him.

"I'm not." He argued.

"Are to." I laughed.





"I'm not a big softie."

"Nicholas, your the biggest, big softie ever." I laughed.

"Only for you." He smirked.

And then he thought about other possibilities.
"And Katie... And this movie." He made me laugh even more.

"I love your laugh." He said.

"You said that."

"Am I not aloud to say it again?" He asked.

"Sure, but you can say it in your sleep. Cause that's what I'm doing."

"What, talking in your sleep?"

"No! Just go to sleep." I closed my eyes and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck.

"Goodnight, princess." He whispered.

"Night, softie."

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