43 Tickle Fight and popcorn war!

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*picture of Katie*

"Tickle fight!" Katie squeaks.

I put her down as she runs off. I look back at Nick who's on his phone texting Joe from what I see off the screen.
I shrug and chase after his little sister.

I start to chase after the four year old as she laughs and squeals. I pick her up and swing her upside down and tickle her neck.
She starts to squeaks and squeals as she laughs and struggles out of my grip.

Soon I feel a pair of hands on my side as I'm swung back off of Katie.

"Yay Nick!" She shouts and starts to tickle me as I laugh in Nicks grip.

"Nick!" I shout laughing.

"Yes darling?" He held me tighter, making it harder to move.

"Let go!" I squeal.

"Run Katie!" He shouts as she obeys.

I see the little girl run down the corridor into the lounge. Nick continues to tickle me like I'm a dog asking for attention. But I'm not. Instead I'm laughing my head off yet wanting to escape so badly before I pee myself.

Somehow I manage so I'm half way from facing Nick.
"Nick! Please!" I shout, struggling.

"Nah, this funny." He chuckles and lefts me up so I can no longer struggle or try to get away from him.

"Aaah!" I hear Katie's little voice scream as she runs in with a cushion.

"Katie help!" I call out.

Soon Katie comes to my aid, hitting her brother with a cushion until he lets me go. Which he hasn't yet.

"Wo, guys what are you doing?" I hear Hazel laugh as she walks in dressed up for her date.

"Tickle fight." Katie informs her happily.

"Ok, we'll be safe I'm going out now. You dinners on the table, good bye." Hazel blows a kiss, hugs Katie and leaves.

As soon as the door clicks shut Katie's at it again. "Nick! Let! Ash! Go!" She shouts hitting Nick between each word.

"Only if you gimme a kiss goodnight, little lady." He bargains with Katie.

"Ok." She says easily. Nick leans down and Katie jumps up and kisses him on the cheek.

I gotta admit, it was pretty cute.

"Ash, you free!" Katie says, mis-saying her words. She grabs my hand and pulls me out of Nicks warming arms.

I liked it there.

My brain thinks without my permission. Stupid brain.

I run off with Katie and we hide in the lounge trying not to be seen. We can't see much, since we're curled up in the curtains, but we could hear nicks footsteps as he came in.

"Where could the be?" He ponders.
Katie giggles causing footsteps to come closer to us.

I feels huge weight on me as the curtains dip in. I realise that Nicks leaning on them.
"Ow! Ow!" Katie shouts but the weight hadn't moved.

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