70 The Bad Boy That Stole Her Wave

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•*•Nick Hunter•*•

"This is your stop, Nick." Joe said, pulling over.

"Come on princess." I got out the car and waited with the door open.

I loved calling her that, she always blushed and looked so cute.

I'm so whipped.

The next thing I know, I stood staring at Ash for a minuet, not saying a word. She was gorgeous. I am falling so hard.

I just hope this love doesn't end like the last...

"Nick?" She asked. "You ok?"

"Yep," I said popping the 'p'. "Come on."

"Bye." She said heading to her house.
Then I remembered.

Her mum was going to her Dads court case.

"Err," I said making her stop. "Your mums out with my mum." I lied, no one wanted her to know about her mum being at the case.

"Oh." She mumbled.

"Stay with me, princess." I pulled her towards me.

"You know I have to sleep right?" She cocked an eyebrow.

"You can sleep in my bed or the sofa." I offered.

"Sleep with you? Ew!" She scrunched up her face, but she still looked adorable.

"It's not like you haven't before." I said cockily looking down on her.

"You'll give me STD's or something."

That hit me hard.
I knew my girlfriend thought I was a jerk and a bad boy. But I didn't know my girlfriend thought I was a player.

Guess it's time to tell some one.

"I've only ever had sex once, thank you very much." I turned to unlock the door.
I didn't want to go any further like last time I was mad, she ignored me for so long and I couldn't deal with it.

I'll admit it...
I can't live with out my princess.

"Sorry." She said as she followed me in.

I loved how she understood how I felt even when I said little things. That she didn't care how cocky and arrogant I was, that I was the schools bad boy. I loved her blue eyes and her long brown hair that turned into slight ringlets.
I loved her.

But I couldn't say it to her face because I was to much of a coward to. I felt I would lose her.
I chuckled lightly to myself. I, the bad boy of our school, can't tell a girl, my girlfriend, how I feel.

What the hell is this girl doing to me?

"Why you laughing?" She asked curiously.

"Just because." I replied. "Come on, we are going to watch a movie!"

"But I'm tired." She whined. I turned to see her, pulled her closer to me and kissed her lightly.

"You can go to sleep, but on the sofa." She smiled. "With me... While watching a movie."

She laughed a little and shook her head. "Your so stubborn."

"You can chose the movie." I smiled snd her eye lit up.

"Captain America." She smirked, knowing that I hated her ogling over him.

"Just promise you won't check him out." I curled up slightly in the corner of the sofa and patted the spot near me, and Ash came over.

Bad Boy Stole my wave (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now