He's as cute as a button

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(A/N-Hi Guys nice to be on Wattpad,this is my first fanfic and i've tried real hard on it!Ily.)

First day of year 11,you know been at this school 3 years but im scared.I have Jess and Mollie but thats it really.

Anyway,the bell goes and im caught in a big hustle on the way to maths,i brush hands with someone and blush as i look up and catch eye contact with a boy,quite a cute boy. Wow,he's as cute as a button.

I get into maths and hope to sit near Jess or Mollie,but oh great.Mr Jase has given us a seating plan,yay I'm on my own.

But wait,theres a new boy,his name's Marcel he was the boy in the corridor,he wasn't here last year so he's not on the system and the only spare place is next to me,he smiles as he's directed to his seat.Jess winks at me and Mollie grins cheekily,i feel my face and oh no i can tell I'm blushing,he smiles as he looks at me and he reveals dimples.My biggest weakness.Oh i can tell this year is NOT gonna be easy.

After maths i have Art and sit next to a girl called Sophie,she has long hair and is pretty as well as being really funny.Her hair has straightened out curls and she has dimples and green eyes.Im so boring,the typical blonde hair blue eyes girl.Im glad i sat next to her though.On the opposite side of the classroom is Marcel,Sophie notices me looking and says "Im guessing you've met Marcel?!My brother.."

"Um yeah!We sit next to each other in maths,he's really funny and he makes me laugh,i-i mean he's quite smart".

Oh God,am i falling for my Friends brother?! This cant be happening..

(A/N leave comments?Yeah,its not great but i tried and its quite short sorry about that(: And please,dont copy if i can come up with these ideas,im sure can.ILY(:(:xx)

Chapter 2

After a few days everyones settled in school,but im still wondering about Marcel,he's missed a few days of school,so has Sophie,who i found out is his twin,so im guessing its something to do with family.Without Sophie to talk to,im alone. Apart from Mollie and Jess but they only fangirl about Niall Horan and Louis Tomlin-whatsoever off the X-factor or something.There alright and can sing really well but there not my favourite yet because im going to watch all of the auditions before i decide.Its my towns auditions in exactly one month today but apparently there recording them now.

Sophie and Marcel are back the next day,i ask Soph is she ok and why did she stay off,she said "Ha-Marcel was at the um no he had a cold."

"Aw bless,hope he's ok now?"

"Yeah he's fine,thanks. Oh and Em?Heres my phone number,an-and Marcel's.I really think he likes you."

"Shut up Soph!"I laugh and pretend i think she's joking. Im really,really hoping she's not.

That night i text her:

"hey soph,its em lolz does marcel rlly like me?"

"hey bby ik hes my brother but HELL TO THE YEAH u shud date omggg"

"hahah babe idk hes kinda cute soz lol but idk"

"im settng u up babe night"

"but soph!!"

"Saturday 7pm he'll pick u up im not replying now so bye enjoy ur date bby"

"Dont tell ANYONE. Your like my best friend."

Im kinda glad,i suppose. My life's getting better and now i think i might be in love.

(A/N hii guys! Idk im trying hard on my first fanfic(: thanks for reading ily! Haha Sophie must really love her brother and hate her best friend ;) bye for now!ILY<3)

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