Chapter 8: Leaving

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Brooke's POV

"Night Brooke"Percy said as he turned off the lights.

"Night Perce"I said as I laid down with my back facing Percy.

I stared at the wall for about an hour and once I heard Percy's obnoxious snores I sat up.

I swung my legs over to the side and got up silently.I walked towards my dresser and moved it a little to reveal a little hole in the wall where my supplies are.

Nobody knows about this hole except me.I was cleaning around in the cabin one day, since Percy is too lazy to, and I discovered the hole.And I put it to good use lately.

Whenever I had something to hide from Percy I would put it in the hole before he comes back.

In the hole I hide some supplies like nectar,ambrosia,chocolate (I love chocolate so why wouldn't I put it in there),prank supplies, a laptop(it's monsterproof),my diary(don't judge),quest supplies, etc.

I grabbed my quest supplies,which is stored inside a backpack,and pushed the drawer back to where it was.

I turned towards Percy and saw that he was snoring away and already had drool coming out of his mouth.

I covered my laugh to prevent myself from laughing.But I failed miserably.I started to giggle but luckily for me,Percy is a heavy sleeper.

After my giggling fit,I got up and tiptoed towards the cabin door and opened it quietly.I walked outside and closed the door behind me making sure that I don't make a noise.

Once it was closed I ran towards the Hades cabin making sure that the patrol harpies don't see me.

I knocked on the door of the Hades cabin and after a couple of minutes the door opened to reveal Nico di Angelo himself.

"You ready?"Nico asked.

He looked really tired but that's what he gets for shadow-traveling to the underworld a lot.

Nico did change since the day we heard that Misty 'died'.

Since that day Nico first started out as weak as a puppy.He wouldn't come out of his cabin for months and I took pity on him.

What I can be nice....sometimes.

I came to his cabin everyday just to make sure that he wouldn't try to kill himself again.I made sure that he ate a proper meal everyday which was hard since he acted like a 5 year old not wanting to eat his vegetables.I literally still have the scars to prove it.

Nico tried to kill himself 7 times each month but luckily somebody always stopped him or he would stop himself by breaking down in tears.

During those months Nico's and my relationship grew and we became really good friends.Shockingly.

During those months I saw him struggle to move on from Misty's death and that's when I realized how much he really cared for my sister.So I started to help him find Misty in the underworld but we got nothing for the past years we've been looking.But now we got something.

Oh yeah.After a year or so I finally got Nico up and running.Now he's not scrawny anymore and surprisingly he got a little more tan but since he's shadow-traveling a lot that tan is turning pale again.

"Yeah.Let's go"I said smiling at my friend.

"Ok but we can't shadow-travel since I'm too weak and you're still following doctor's orders"Nico said a little teasingly.

Yup you heard him right.I can't do anything concerning my powers because of my lovely boyfriend's orders.

The only reason why I can't use my powers is just because I fainted while I was using my powers to prank the Aphrodite cabin.Curse Will.It was only one time......ok it happened 50 times but I'm fine.

The doctor's orders were to not use any of my powers for a whole year and I still have a full 5 months left.

Ugh it's torture.

But besides that.I'm finally gonna see my sister again!Yay!

I just hope she recognizes me.During the past 5 years I had let my hair grow and now it's at my mid-back.I have grown about 2 inches and now my black hair has been turned into a blondish color but I still have some black hair showing.

"Come on Brooke.You walk too slow"Nico said as he stopped for me to catch up.

"And you don't"I said as a caught up to him.

There was some silence which ment that I win this round.As I always do.

Now me and Nico are about to pass the border that protects us demigods from the monsters that live in the human world but a voice stops the both of us before we could pass.

"And where do you think you two are going?"said the voice.It was a female's voice that sounded all too familiar.

Piper McLean.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to be face-to-face with the daughter of love and beauty.

But it wasn't only Piper that was behind.It was also Hazel Levesque and the one and only Leo Valdez.

Hazel is Nico's half-sister but is actually the daughter of Pluto and she's my best friend.During the past years Hazel has treated me like I'm family and I appreciated that.She is like a sister to me but I already have too much sisters so adding one more to the list is not so bad.I think.

Leo is the son is Hephaestus and is one of the most awesome pranking partners ever.Besides Misty.He's like a brother to me and an awesome one.

Don't get me wrong but Leo is a little more awesome than Percy, Thomas, and Dylan.Especially Dylan since he doesn't like the pranks that me and Leo do.No offense to him but he's a bore.

So anyways.Here are three out of the seven heroes of olympus standing in front of me.

"Umm....nowhere"Nico said.

Hazel raised her eyebrows and asked"Are you sure?Then explain to me as to why you two have backpacks"

I looked at Nico and he looked at me unsure of what to say.I looked back to the three and realized something.

"How come you guys have backpacks as well?"I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah"Nico agrees still unsure of what to say.

"We asked you two first"Piper said not answering my question.

"But we also asked you.So...explain"I said putting my hand on my hip.

"Well....I might've overheard you guys and told Piper and Hazel about your plan and they might or might not decided to follow you guys"Leo said.

"Leo!"Piper and Hazel whisper-yelled.

"Oh really"I said using a little charmspeak in my voice.And right now it kinda hurted to use a little bit of my powers."we can take care of ourselves so you three go back to your cabins and forget that this ever happened"

Leo seemed as if he was affected but it didn't last that long.

Piper put her hands on her hips as well and said"You know that charmspeak won't affect me.Right?"

"Yeah"I said as I felt my face turn red from embarrassment.

"Well what are we waiting for chamacos(kids).Let's go on an adventure"Leo said already heading outside of camp's borders.

Please don't sing the song.Please don't sing the song.I prayed to the gods.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship."Leo started to sing.

Shiz he's singing.Dad kill me now.

~What's up all my lovely friends and readers? I'm back and I'm glad that I am. During the past two months I've been having good days and some bad ones but being here writing and communicating with you guys makes me happy. Well here's some chapters that I've been writing over the past two months. I'm sorry but there is gonna be some slow updates but that doesn't matter because you guys love me, if no then....ok. I love you guys. Peace out.~

Alive or Dead?(Sequel to Percy Jackson's Lost Sisters)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now