Chapter 16

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Nico's POV


I was standing in front of a man that had a vacuum-like face. I felt fear take over me as I fairly recognized him as Tartarus himself.

Even though he doesn't have an actual face, I could tell he was smiling with satisfaction. He seems to be looking down at something else other than me.

Curiosity took over me and I looked down, instantly regretting of looking. I gasped as I saw the scene in front of me.

Tears were streaming down my face and I tried to move forward, but I couldn't. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I even tried to look away but I couldn't. All that I could do was stare at the lifeless bodies of my sister Bianca, my mother, Brooke, and Misty.

"Look at what you did Nico"I heard the voice of Tartarus say.

His voice was like it was being drawn back inward rather than outward. It gave my goosebumps and filled me with fear.

"All of these four beautiful women died because of you. Why did you even come looking for the Poseidon spawn anyways? Don't you understand son of Hades. Misty doesn't even love you. She left you for somebody else"

I covered my ears to block out his voice but the damage was done.

He's right. Bianca and my mom did die because of me. And now I'm putting Misty and Brooke in danger. Maybe Tartarus is right, Misty doesn't love me. She left me for my step-brother. All I have done is endanger her. And for Brooke, I just gave her grief because I'm the reason as to why Misty was taken away from her.

I really shouldn't have came looking for her. All I will do is bring danger to the Poseidon kids. And that involves MJ, Percy, Dylan, and Lee. And also poor little Amber who died at birth.

"You should've done the right thing and killed yourself all those years ago but of course you were too weak"Tartarus said."You just had to run into her during that game and fall in love. Blah..sons of Hades should never fall in love because their lover will always leave them"

I felt tears streaming down my face more as the words that he said affected me.

Why am I being affected by his words? I thought to myself.

"Well it's because it's making you weak again. Love is making you weak and frail. You should've just kept your distance and left that puny little camp of yours"he said as if he read my mind."You should have joined me Nico. Misty, Brooke, and Dylan aren't the demigods you think they are. They weren't supposed to be born at all. They were suppose to die because.....well you'll find out sooner or later, son of Hades"

And with that, Tartarus disappeared and all that I heard was a ringing sound.

-End of Dream-

I woke up with a start. My head was pounding and every inch of my body ached. My ears were ringing a bit but after a while they stopped.

When they stopped I wished that they kept ringing because when they stopped all I heard was a scream and somebody yelling"BROOKE!!!"

-Nessipon's POV-

"Nessi. Can we please take a break now? The prince is really heavy"Alice whined out.

"Yeah"Lily agreed.

"Guys stop calling him 'the prince.' Just call him Nico, please"Misty said as she helped her twin sister sit down as comfortably as she can.

"Ok. But only for 5 minutes"I said as I put the daughter of Pluto on the ground gently, totally ignoring Misty comment.

"Finally"Brooke said."My leg was starting to hurt more. I really need some ambrosia or some nectar right now"

"Sorry Poseidon girl. Here in the underworld there's no ambrosia nor nectar. There's only the River Phlegethon or also known as the River of Fire which you four would need"I said.

The two Poseidon girls looked at the blisters that started to form on their skin. But the weird thing is that they don't seem to be suffocating on the toxic air down here and that their blisters were barely forming compared to me, the girls, and Nico. We already have a bunch and let me tell you, it's hard to resist the urge to scratch them.

"We should head to the river so that we can stay 'hydrated' and get rid of these blisters"I continued.

"You're right. I think I know where the river is but we have to be careful. You have to expect the unexpected in the underworld" Alice said.

"Like that"Lily said pointing at something behind Brooke. We all turned to see a Laistrygonian giant standing there looking at us like we are his dinner, which we are.

"Well what do we have here"the Laistrygonian giant said."Looks like I finally fished out my dinner for today for my brothers and I."

"Ooooooo....a sea spawn. My favorite"said another Laistrygonian giant as he grabbed Brooke. Brooke screamed and tried to get away but couldn't.

Brooke was too weak and injured to fight back the giant.

"BROOKE!!"Misty screamed.

She was about to attack the giant but before she could take a step forward the ground shook. But it didn't shake like an earthquake because there are absolutely no earthquakes in Tartarus. No, the ground shook with laughter.

Oh no. I thought as I knew what was coming.

The ground continued to shake before a figure formed in front of us.

The figure wasn't anybody but was the ugly bish that we all know by Tartarus.

~Sup guys. Well......I have no excuse as to why I am updating late. But.....I don't know anymore. I just wanted to tell you guys that if you followed me on Twitter, well I deleted that account and made a new one. My username is ShadowyNight and.....yeah. Oh and I might be doing a YouTube channel but I still have to think about it. What do you guys think? Well that's it guys. I love you guys. Peace out✌.~
~P.S. I'm finally 15 but I'm kinda sad because none of my friends came to my party and only one friend said happy birthday to me~

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