Part 13

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1 Month Later

Danny's Point of View

It's been a whole month and times have been rough. I'm still single. Roy and Shane are stronger than ever. Everything just seems to be going peachy for everybody but me. But I guess that's just me huh?! Me and I, that's all there is to it. Love just isn't meant for me I guess. I'm currently arriving at a club for my gig, pretty much the only thing I'm good at. I get called onstage and I go out there and do my thing.

Time Skip

I'm in my dressing room after my gig getting ready to leave when I spot Milk over in the corner watching me. He's been watching me all day. I grab my duffel bag and I'm about to hail a cab when Milk comes over to me and tells me that he'll take me home. "Um, okay?!" I say a bit confused by his sudden interest in me. When we get in his car I decide to see what's really going on. "What's going on Daniel?" I ask him. "Nothing, I just wanted to take you home is all!" He tells me. "Um I don't think so! Why now, after a month and a half of ignoring me and pretending I don't exist try to talk to me now?!" I ask him as he pulls up to the hotel the queens are staying at. "What I just can't bring you back to the hotel?!" He asks me. "You can but why?!" I ask him. "Because Danny! I-" He stops. "You what?!" I ask wanting to know what he was going to say. He just gets out of the car and comes around to let me out. He extends his hand to me. I take it and get out. When I'm out he pulls me into a kiss and just holds me there. "Danny I-I need you! I love you!" Milk tells me. "That's not what you said when you stormed out of my hotel room a month and a half ago!" I tell him. "That's because I couldn't stand the thought of you calling out his name with me! Danny that hurt me more than you thought it did!" He says and I finally hug him back. "I know I saw it in your eyes when you left and I'm so sorry! But I really do like you a lot Daniel!" I tell him burying my head in his chest. "So what do you say?!" Milk asks me. "I say why not? Why not give this relationship a chance?!" I say still buried in his chest. "I love you Danny!" He says pecking my lips. "And I love you Daniel!" I say as he laces our fingers together. He locks up his car and leads me into the hotel and to the lift. As soon as the lift door closes he sweeps me off of my feet, LITERALLY! He picks me up and submerges me in his kisses. He carries me to his room and along the way we run into Roy and Shane. "What's going on?!" Roy asks. "We're kind of busy right now Danny will talk to you later!" Daniel says. "Well go on and do you!" Shane says smiling. He takes me to his room and throws me onto the bed. "This time no more mixups okay?" Daniel asks me. I nod my head yes.

Time Skip

"Well that was pretty familiar huh?!" I say chuckling. "Yeah, it was!" He says hand on my chest. I smile up at him. "I love you, do you know that!" I say. "I do!" He tells me. "Good, and I don't want you to ever doubt it! No matter what!" I tell him. "I never would!" He tells me. "Wow, just think about it! Earlier today I was downing myself about not being lovable, and how I was going to die alone, and now here I am, with you! I thought that I had ruined my chance to be with you! I thought that the way I felt about you was just with me, I didn't know that you felt the same way about me! It's pretty mind blowing to me!" I tell him. "Hey I don't ever want you to get down on yourself like that! I love you, that won't change, nothing can change my mind about it! It's in my heart, it's not ignorable!" He tells me. "Are you as hungry as I am?!" I ask him. "I am!" Daniel says. "Well then maybe we should stop being lazy and get up to get something to eat!" I tell him. "Alrighty then!" He says getting up and pulling his clothes on tossing me mine.

At the restaurant

Roy's Point of View

Me and Shane are at a restaurant getting ready to signal a waiter to place our orders when Danny and Daniel walk in. Shane see's them and signals for them to join us. They happily do so. "So how was you guys' day!" Shane asks them. "It was a party!" Danny says. "So spill it! Are you two an item or what?!" Shane asks them all to excited for my taste. "Yeah we are!" They say looking at each other. "That's great! That's amazing isn't it babe?!" Shane asks me. "Yeah it's vigourating!" I say sarcastically smiling fakely. (Yes I'm aware that I'm making up words!) Danny notices and tries to change the subject. "So how has your relationship been going?!" Danny asks. "You know what, I'm not really hungry anymore!

I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel! I'll see you later Shane!" I say getting up and leaving

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I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel! I'll see you later Shane!" I say getting up and leaving. I needed to get away from Danny and Daniel before I lost my brains. I get back to my hotel room and fall asleep.

Shane's Point of View

I'm furious at Roy but when I walked into our hotel room and saw him sleeping it just made my heart speed up- no wait I'm supposed to be furious with Roy! I go to take my shower. I bathe and let the hot water run over me. Then Roy gets into the shower with me. I being furious with him and all immediately got out of the shower and grabbed my towel and went into the room leaving Roy behind to bathe by himself. I dry off and get dressed and dry up the water on the floor and hang my towel up and lay down on the bed. I hear Roy come out and I pretend to be sleeping. He comes over and gets in the bed with me and tries to cuddle with me but I turn around and scoot away from him. I don't want to be this way towards him, I want nothing more than to be in his arms right now, but he has to learn a message, you can't be an ass to friends and get away with it. I hear him sigh sadly and I hear him sniffle and turn over and my heart drops but I don't move I stay where I am. He lies there crying and I just lie there feeling like a bitch for not hugging him and telling him that it's okay. I fall asleep listening to Roy cry.

3:43 am

I get up to go to the bathroom and I see Roy out on the balcony drinking shots of fireball. He hasn't seen me yet so I slip into the bathroom and go, wash my hands and get back out and get into the bed. I hear Roy washing out his shot glass and putting everything back where it belongs. This time when Roy gets into the bed he pulls me to his body but I get up and grab a blanket out of the closet and go to sleep on the couch. "Wow, I fucked up huh?!" I hear Roy whisper to himself. "Yeah, you did!" I whisper to myself.

The Next Morning

I get up early and put everything back up and throw on the same jeans and shirt I wore yesterday and head out to breakfast without Roy. I see Danny there. "Hey did you talk to Roy?!" He asks me. "No actually, I slept on the couch last night! I gave Roy the silent treatment, I still am too!" I tell Danny. "Awe no, don't do that for me! You don't have to really!" He tells me. "But I need to, he needs to know that it's not alright to be a rude asshole to friends! That he can't get away with it!" I tell him. "No it's not fair to you or to him for you to ignore him, the silent treatment does nothing but cause more confusion in a relationship! Me and Daniel are happy, we don't want you to be unhappy in your relationship because of us!" Danny says to me. "I know you don't, but if I don't do this then Roy will continue to be rude and I can't have that happening!" I tell Danny. "Okay well, if you want to but we aren't going to hold it against him!" Danny says. "You won't but I will, Danny it must be done!" I say as I get my food that I ordered. "Okay well I'll talk to you later!" He says grabbing his food and leaving. I leave out after I eat and head back to the hotel room. When I get there Roy is awake. "Hey!" He says. I don't say anything just go to take my shower. Roy of course has to get in the shower with me and it's so irritating that he does this. "Baby I'm so sorry for what I did, it's just that I don't always like these other queens and especially not with my best friends! But I see that Daniel makes Danny happy and I'm willing to put the past behind me! I've called Daniel and apologized to him too!" He says kissing down my neck. That's all I really wanted was for him to apologize and since he's done so I see no further use in prohibiting my body from him.


"I love you!" He tells me once we get out of the shower and into the bedroom. "I love you more!" I tell him. "I love you most!" He says kissing me passionately.

Well you didn't think I forgot about you did you??! Well if you did, just know that I didn't!!!

Love to you all!~Delilah Sapphire

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