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A/N- Flashbacks will be in italics

3 months later

Roy's Point of View

I look around the room and see all of the faces that have been there for me over the years. From family, to friends, to even frenemies. (cough cough Laganja cough cough) I look around and see the faces of the people who have encouraged me since day 1. Those who have always been in my corner, rooting for me, giving that extra push when I needed it. I look out at these faces and think back to that day 3 months ago.

Everybody's here. All of our loved ones, those we love, those who love us. Immediate family and extended family. They are all here for us. Well the night is winding down, it's now or never. Let's do this.

"You look so handsome! You've come so far Roy!" Michelle says crying. "Thank you! I try to be better everyday. I guess it's finally paying off!" I say. "Yeah, I mean, look at where we are! You did it! You did all of this! You made it happen and I'm so proud of you!" Michelle says dabbing at her tears. I smile at her.

Shane's Point of View

RuPaul Talking

"So everybody it's probably wondering how Michelle got me to do another show especially when I said I wasn't doing anymore shows! But the truth it's, Michelle had very little to do with went I said yes! So without further ado I would love to bring up the person who made all of this happen. ROY HAYLOCK!" RuPaul says. I look up wide eyed as Roy grand my hands and leads me onto the stage and Ru air kisses born of us and leaves the stage and sir in the front row with Michelle. "Shane, do you know why we're here?" Roy ask me. "No, not really!" I tell him. "Well...."

My mom is helping me get dressed up and everything all the while yapping about happiness. "Baby, you know that all I want is your happiness! Me and your dad, he's so happy for you!" She says. "Where is dad?" I ask standing on my tippy toes looking for him. "He's here, he'll be back in a minute!" She says. "Good! I need him, I need you both now more than ever." I tell her. "And that's why we're here!" My dad says walking into the room. I smirk a little.

"....the reason why we're here is because I love you Shane!" Roy says. "Roy, what are you talking about?" I ask him. "Shane, I love you! I don't want to hide it anymore! Shane, these years with you have been amazing! And now we have a son! I just don't know how I can contain my feelings for you!" Roy says. "Roy I know that you love me! And I know that these years have been amazing because I've been living it up with you!" I tell him. "Well then, that means that you know that there's no place I'd rather be than with you, forever and always! I want to watch our son grow up with you! I want to grow old with you! I want to die with you!

*Roy gets on one knee and pulls out a velvety blue box that says "Jared's"*

I gasp and cover my mouth crying. "Shane would you please make us an official "we" and marry me?" Roy says looking up at me. "Oh my God, yes! Roy yes! I love you so much!" I cry and he puts the ring on my hand. Everyone is clapping and cheering and screaming. RuPaul and Michelle come on stage. Michelle holding the baby that she bummed from RuPaul a few seconds ago. Michelle gives the baby to Roy and Roy turns him around to face the audience. Everybody is "awe" ing. "Everybody this is Rhane Vincent Haylock! Me and Shane's son! He is 3 months old and he is adopted! He is the light of our lives, we live for him!" Roy says turning him back around towards him and holding him to his chest.

"I do!" I say. "And so do I!" Roy says. "Well then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you two husband and husband!" The minister says. "Now kiss me!" I say.

Roy's Point of View

I look out at all of these faces and I see RuPaul cheering holding Rhane and I see Michelle crying. I see my mom and dad Clapp g and my mom crying. Shane's mom and dad are doing the same. It's exactly how life is supposed to be and I couldn't be happier. Then I look at Shane and think of everything that we've been through, everything we've done together, and all that I think about is, "The Love Between Us!"
I want to thank everyone for the tremendous amount of support from everyone on this book and all of my other books. The sequel (yes I said "sequel" because there will be a sequel) to this story is on the to-do list for Wattpad and I will notify you when I put it up. AnyRu! Thanks again to everybody who supported me! I know that I always say this but you guys really are the best! I love you all so much my pretty (and handsome) little Sapphire's!

Love to you all!~Delilah Sapphire

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