What to know about cows!

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1. Cows eat grass
2. Cow poo is made of wheat, grass and... spit... and shit :()
3. Cow farts stink so bad, they damage the earth :/ it's true
4. Cows die quickly coz they get too fat -_-
5. Cows get very fat coz hey don't know what they r eating...
6. They don't know how to live... :/
7. Cows go.... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stolen idea from emzzytata83 ^.^

Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moooooooooooooo

I am the Queencess of... Cows! ALL HAIL THE QUEENCESS OF COWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Omg I keep forgetting this I a book about BOOKS!
SO, books r things u read and write and read and book and write.... Yay I know what books r!!! I'm soooo smart!!

I HATE COWS!!! -.-

Don't read emssytata83's books coz she copied meh and they r very boring :( WAAAAHHHHHH!! Mine r very funny tho! LETS DIE, LETS DIE, LETS FLY!!!!

Emssytata83 is so mean :( jk but she kinda is coz SHE COPIED MEH BOOKS WITHOUT PERMISSION but she didn't copy meh with her boring parts of her book ;)

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