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"Boy, have I got a story to tell you."

Sam swam over to a ledge so she could hold herself up easier in the water while Calum told his story.

"Back in year 12, Jack got suspended from school for selling a ton of drugs to students, as well as getting into a lot of fights with people. He had some serious anger issues. He knew that he wouldn't get accepted into another school in that district unless he changed his identity. Somehow he got into the school we go to now. I don't believe he got in that easy, I think he probably bribed his way in." Calum rolled his eyes.

"Woah woah, how do you know all of this?" Sam asked, a shocked expression covering her face.

She didn't think anyone but her and Kat knew about Jack lying about his identity.

"My sister went to school with him before he got suspended." He replied, running a hand through his mess of wet hair.

"It's all starting to make sense now." She nodded slowly.

"And that's not all of it. He almost killed a kid by giving a stronger dosage then he asked for." Calum shook his head in disgust.

"On purpose?" Sam asked, her face scrunching up in worry.

What kind of guy was she dealing with here? She knew Jack was a bad guy but was he really that bad?

"Nobody knows his motive. He's a bad guy, but I don't think he's a murderer." He shrugged, glancing over at their friends at the other side of the pool.

Calum and Luke's eyes both made contact. Luke was looking over and Calum and Sam suspiciously, but quickly looked away from the pair.

"What's with you two anyway?" He asked, looking back at her.

"We're friends?" She asked as if it was more of a question. She wasn't really all that sure herself.

"That doesn't sound very convincing." Calum laughed, his eyes still watching Luke out of the corner of his eye. Luke wouldn't stop staring at them.

"Whatever," She chuckled, "But thank you for telling me that story. It clarified some things for me."

"Anytime. I'm here to help, you know?" He smiled. She nodded back as he swam say from her. It seemed as if he knew more than she thought he did.

Things with Jack were starting to make more sense. She just couldn't get over the fact that someone she dated for months wasn't even truthful about something as simple as their name.

What if this was the same situation with Luke? Sure they weren't dating, but they were always together.

Sam shook her head. She was just being paranoid. There's no way this would happen to her twice.

She knew Luke wasn't truthful about everything involving her and his brother, but she would soon find out the truth.

A hand tapping her on the shoulder snapped her out of her endless thoughts. She spun around to face no other than Luke himself.

"What are you doing over here alone?" Luke asked, propping up his arm onto the ledge.

"Just thinking." Sam replied, looking around at her surroundings. The pool was massive, one of the biggest she's ever seen.

"You think too much. You need to let loose." He smiled, pulling her arm so she would follow him.

It was true, she did think about this a lot. But could you blame her? This was such a weird situation. It's extremely frustrating when you aren't being told the truth either.

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