twenty two.

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***Victoria's POV***

3 weeks later

I roll over on my bed and face Bryce, who slept with me last night. I sit up, and within three seconds the phone in the kitchen rings. I rush to get it.

"Hello?" I ask as I pick it up.

"Oh, hey Babygirl! It's Johnny," the voice on the other line says. I smile. I love when he calls me that, even though we aren't dating yet.

"Hi, Johnny," I say happily.

"Look, Darry wants to have this meeting type of thing with everyone tonight at 6:00 pm at the Curtis house, and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out before we have to be there?"

"Yes of course! I'd love to! When and where do you want to meet up?"

"I'll be by your place in about an hour. Make sure you tell Lauren and Bryce, I think Darry wants her over here as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit!" I press the end call button. Bryce comes down the hallway, rubbing his eyes.

"Can I hang out with Ponyboy today?" he asks sleepily. I pick him up and take him to the kitchen.

"I'm sure that can happen," I say and begin to make us some breakfast.

***Alex's POV***

I finally decided to go get Ellie. I put my hair into a messy bun and pull a sweatshirt of Dally's over my leggings. When we hung out about three weeks ago, he gave me a sweatshirt that has the last name "Winston" on it. He said it was to keep me safe from Socs, but really I think it was just so everyone knows I'm his girl, even if I haven't seen him since. I don't mind, I love it.

I get directions from Two-Bit's and drive to Buck's. On the way out, he told me about some meeting at the Curtis house at 6. I was skeptical about going at first, but when I found out that Dally was going to be there, I was in for sure.

When I get there, I go find her room. But when I reach the door, I hear gagging and water rushing quickly.

"Ellie?!" I yell. I hear creaks and the door swings open and reveals a very rough looking Ellie. 

"Ellie!" I say, wrapping my arms around her.

"Alex.." she says in a raspy voice.

"What's going on?! You look terrible!"

"Thanks," she says, weakly smiling. "I've been sick for like 3 days straight. Like, I throw up every morning and feel awful for the rest of the day."

My heart drops. "You don't think.." 

Ellie goes pale.

"Well there's only one way to find out.." she says, gulping.

We both head for the car, a blanket of silence wrapped around us. When we pull up to the Walk-In clinic, she doesn't move. 

"What if I am pregnant? What if Steve doesn't care enough about me to help me with this kid? Alex, I'm so scared.." she says as she begins to cry.

"We don't know anything for sure, Ellie. And don't worry, I'll be there to help you," I say to reassure her.

She leans over and hugs me. "Thanks, Alex."

We both get out and I make us an appointment. We sit there for a while before a nice looking nurse comes and takes us to a pink room with a big machine. Ellie still looks a little pale, but her eyes have a new excitement to them. 

A nurse and a pediatrician come in a few minutes later.

"Hello ladies, I'm Dr. Reed. What can I help you with today?"

Ellie gulps. "I think I might be pregnant."

"Well, have you missed any of your periods recently?" He asks.

"Come to think of it, yeah.." Ellie starts. "I'm 2 weeks late and I'm never late."

"Well, nothing's for sure, but we can take a look if you want," the doctor offers. Ellie nods.

The nurse puts a jelly like substance on her lower stomach and takes a machine to it. If she is pregnant, this could be really awful. I mean, a single 17-year-old mother?

"Let's just take a look here, what kind of news are you hoping for?" the nurse asks as she pushes the machine across Ellie's stomach. Just as she says this, Steve bursts into the room.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I got here as soon as I could!" he says and sits in the chair next to mine.

"Are you the boyfriend?" the nurse asks. Steve nods and she continues to push the machine around. "What kind of news are you two hoping for?"

Steve looks at Ellie and they exchange a smile. "A baby might be fun."

The nurse looks at the screen. "Well, I'm not sure how you two will feel about this news. Ellie, you are pregnant, but with twins."

***Two-Bit's POV***

Today was the first day I was allowed to see Bailey. The doctors said she's began her road to recovery, which is such a good sign.

I ran in there as fast as my legs would take me.

There she laid, hooked up to almost everything.

And man, this beauty is the only thing in the world that could get me to cry.

I sit with her, tears rolling relentlessly down my face. I just want her to come back, I just want her to be mine.

"Bailey, please wake up," I say softly as I take her hand. I gaze at her perfect body and notice that her cuts have began to heal. "I promise I'll be the greatest friend you've ever had. I'll never leave your side, I'll always keep you safe, and I'll always be here for you. I'll never let you feel like you aren't worth it again." I lean down to kiss her forehead softly, then I slowly kiss her lips. I step back, just so I can look at her one more time, before taking off back to the Curtis house for some meeting.

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