●We Need to Talk ●

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Jason finally got out of the hospital and so did his mom, after her surgery everything was done perfectly fine and they got discharged. Jason looked at his mom they walked to there house. Jason was walking with his bike while his mom had a bag of old clothes.

"Yes, Jason?" She asked, while still looking ahead. "Thank you" Jason said, making Val look at him "Why are you saying thank you?" Val asked "Cause you're my mom and you've done everything for me, Thank you mommy" Jason said while smiling at her. "Aw, Papi" she said pinching his cheeks, while smiling.

Jason's phone rang in his pocket and he took it out to answer it. He didn't answer it in time so his phone locked again, As he was unlocking it Val spoke up "Luna is your lock screen ?" She asked Jason nodded "Awe, That's so cute, I know you like her Jason" Val said, Jason rolled his eyes. Before unlocking his phone and looking at who called him, he didn't recognize the number so he put his phone away.

"Jason, why don't you just date the girl?" Val asked as the turned the corner. Jason sighed "It's not that easy mom, I'm pretty sure she's never been in a relationship before and I- I don't want to be her first heartbreak or anything, Plus it's weird dating someone you're friends with before" Val glared at her son's for that stupid answer.

"Jason, you're making me very disappointed" Val confessed "How?" Jason asked "Just date the girl, she likes you and you like her, but you're being too stubborn to go ask her out and I'm getting tired of watching you two play with my emotions" Jason was amused, his mom never talked about any girl he dated before like this. They were mostly remarks like "Really Jason?", "I love you, but No", "I know you can do better" . Jason sighed "But, I'm scared to ask her out" Val gasped. Jason McCann scared to ask a girl out? Never has she seen this in her 34 years of living.

"Aw, papi I know she'll say yes, we had a long talk about you while you were sleeping" Jason looked at his mom and nodded "Alright, I guess I can ask her out on a date or something" Val nodded and smiled "Yay" she squealed making Jason chuckle.

-The Next Day-

Jason was waken up by little giggles and kisses on his face. His eyes opened to see to small girls in front of him, Heaven and Beatrice. "Babes, Princess" Jason said bringing them in for a hug, they giggled and hugged Jason back. Jason kissed their foreheads "I missed you guys" he said "We miss you too" they said. Jason let go of them and watched as they sat up looking at him.

"Mommy say you have a girlfriend" Heaven said while smiling "Can we meet her?" Beatrice asked making Heaven nod. "First, she is not my girlfriend yet and two sure you guys could meet her" "Yay" they yelled while running out the room. Jason chuckled and got out of bed, he changed his clothes and looked at his clock, he was beyond late for school but he was still going.

Jason changed and went downstairs where he found everyone in the living room. "Bye Babes, Bye princess" he said kissing their cheeks, Jason looked at his mom, she looked up from her dish and then at Jason "Go to school!" She yelled. Jason chuckled and left, he decided to walk to school leaving his bike at home.

Luna sat in class and played with her nails, she knew Jason was out of the hospital but she didn't know if he was going to be at school. Currently it was third period, about to be lunch and Jason still wasn't here, eventually Luna just believed that he wasn't coming. The bell rang and Luna gathered all her belongings and started to walk to the Lunchroom, when someone covered her eyes. "Hey, Babe" Jason said while taking his hands off, Luna turned around and smiled hugging Jason tightly "Bad Boy" She said happily, Jason smiled at her as he watched people walk pass them slightly confused by the scene they we're passing.

Luna let go and grabbed Jason's hand taking him downstairs. Once down in the cafeteria Luna and Jason sat down, but Luna soon left and to go join the lunch line. "Can I talk to you" Jason looked up and saw Kylie standing there. "What ?" He asked as she sat down "I can see that you and Luna have a real connection and I just wanted to know, if you guys are dating ?" Jason shook his head. "No why ?" Kylie shook her head "oh nothing, we're having a dance coming up at school, you guys should come together" she said before getting up and walking away. That was weird Jason thought.

Luna came back and sat down, she looked at Jason and rubbed her nose. They started up a conversation and soon the bell rang.


Jason and Luna walked home, Jason decided to ask her mother to allow him to take her on a date cause like her dad said, you can't get anything past her. Jason walked up to Luna's doorstep with her and waited as she rang the doorbell, he going to do it he's going to ask her mother to show him to take her out on a date.

Luna's mom opened the door and looked at the both of them, "Hi mommy" Luna said while walking in the house, "Uh, can I talk to you ?" Jason asked while looking at Luna's mom. She nodded and allowed Jason in, "Can I help you ?" She asked, "Uhm I-" "Bad boy !" Jason turned his attention to Luna who was walking up to him. "Hm ?" Luna held her hand out "phone" Jason pulled out his phone and gave it to Luna.

Luna walked away and Jason turned back to her mom, "Hi, I'm Jason but you might know me as Bad Boy, and I was wondering if I could take your daughter out on a date ?" Jason asked. Nova eyed Jason "Do you really like my daughter ? Cause I don't have time for y'all boys to be playing with my baby's emotions" She asked.

Jason nodded "Of course, I'd never play with her emotions" Nova glanced at Luna and thought about how happy she was when she talked about Jason. She looked at Jason and sighed "Don't hurt her Jason" Jason looked over at her and smiled as she sat there playing on his phone. She held it up and made a face, Jason chuckled. Aw she's taking a selfie how cute.

"I'd never" he said looking down at her mom. "Then yes you may take my baby on a date" Jason smiled "Thank you miss" Jason said as he walked back to Luna she giggled as he sat down on a stool right next to her. "Hi." She smiled. "Hello" she said putting Jason's phone down and looking at him.

Jason adores this girl and that's a lot to say for the bad boy of Wingate high. "Hey." He smiles. "Your mom said she'll let me take you out on a date." "Date?" Her face screwed up in confusion. He smiled. Her innocence is pure, I can't ruin that. He thought. "I'll tell you more about it later." She smiled and nodded before holding up the phone "smile"she said. Jason smiled and looked down, as she snapped the picture.

"Pretty." She said smiling. "Not pretty, hot." "Hot? It cold how hot?" He smiled. "Not the temp its kinda like .." And there they sat talking about how to explain how hot isn't the tempter but how its just like a saying or something.


Tell me what you thought guys 😭 I have books coming out guys, there's a lot of ideas in the brain but yeah, thank you guys for reading 💖 laterrrrrrr

(I will edit this later)

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