●Why Didn't You Tell Me●

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I would also like to thank -iphoneuser for making the new beautiful beautiful book cover.

Luna was still debating on whether to tell Jason that she is leaving. Luna walked over to Jason's friend Normani, she need some advice and why not get it from her boyfriend's friend.

"Hi" Luna said grabbing her attention, Normani smiled at her "Hey Luna"

"I Help" Luna said "Oh! sure what's the problem?" Normani asked slightly surprised that Luna would come to her fire help.

"Talk Away? " Luna asked, Normani quickly caught on and led Luna to the girls bathroom.

"Okay So what's the problem?" Normani asked, Luna played with her nails before answering.

"I have secret.." she said stopping her sentence short.

"What is it?" Normani asked, "I going away soon" Luna said

"Oh...dose Jason know?" Luna shook her head. "Oh..just tell him, Jason likes honesty" Luna nodded and thanked Normani before leaving the bathroom with her.

Kylie peeked out odd the stall to see if they we're actually gone, So Luna it's a leaving and Jason doesn't know...well he'll find out pretty soon. Kylie smirked before leaving the bathroom.


Lunch was rolling around and Jason was finally in school. He was making his way to the lunchroom, when he heard his name being called. He looked back to see Kylie, Jason sighed and continued his walk to the lunchroom, Jason made his way over to his table and waited for his friends and Luna to come.

But unfortunately Kylie caught up to him. "Hey Jason" Kylie said, Jason glanced up assert her. "You know Luna -"

"Damn Kylie didn't I tell you to keep your head out of my relationship" Jason said cutting her off. "Not for long" Kylie said.

This peeked Jason interest even if he believed in all his heart that Kylie is annoying as hell.

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked while looking up at her. "Your precious girlfriend has been keeping a secret from you" Kylie said.

Meanwhile Luna was slowly making her way to lunchroom because she was looking for Jason. "What?" Kylie shook her head, "you didn't know that she's leaving" Kylie said


What does she mean leaving ? Like leaving for the day or leaving the school.

Luna walked into the lunchroom and made her way over to Jason.

"Jason" Luna said making him look at her, "why?" Jason asked.

"I- what I do?" She asked looking at him, "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving Luna? I was at your house just last night, you could have told me" Jason said while Kylie nodded. Jason was upset that she kept this from him all she had to do was say something.

"I sorry" Luna said Jason shook his head softly before getting up and walking away.

Kylie laughed making Luna turn her attention towards her, "Serves you right, not telling him the truth" "I was!" Luna shouted. Kylie shrugged "Oh well, guess I got here a little to soon"

"You told?" She asked glaring at her, Kylie laughed even harder "Well duh, took you long enough" Luna frowned but her frustration slowly turned into anger. "You a bully" Luna said walking over to Kylie. "You get this" Luna said before raising her hand and connecting it with Kylie's check making a big smack sound echo through the lunchroom.

Kylie held her cheek in shock, did she really just slap her?  Everyone in the lunchroom looked at them very shocked as well.

Did sweet little Luna Hartman just slap Kylie Jenner.

Luna walked away making her way outside.

It's all her fault that Jason is mad at Luna now he probably never want's to see Luna again. Luna walked outside to the field and sat down,  rethinking everything she just did.


Jason was currently sitting in class, when his name came up on the speaker asking him to come to the main office. Jason sighed and got up leaving the room, he made his way to the main office where he saw Nova.

"How do you lose my child? Huh ? I'll sue this school, and run you bankrupt!" Nova yelled at the principal who was trying her hardest to calm her down.

Jason walked in the principal turned to him. "Jason have you seen Luna?" Jason shook his head "haven't seen her since lunch, why?" Jason asked while looking at Nova, she was fuming mad.

"Luna's not in her class, She's no where in the building and we just need to find her" Jason nodded "I can find her" Jason said. The principal nodded and thanked him.

Jason walked out the office and went straight down to the lunchroom, he went through the double doors that lead outside. Jason walked over to the bleachers but she wasn't there, Jason bit his lip and made his way to the park. He saw purple hair and knew he found her. She was sitting by herself on the swings.

"Why are you out here?" Jason asked making her look up. Luna shrugged "are you mad?" Luna asked. Jason shook his head "so you still boyfriend?" Luna asked, Jason chuckled and nodded.

Luna smiled and got up, she walked over to Jason and looked up at him, Jason smiled down at her, "you're gonna have to do something pretty bad to make me get away from you" Jason admitted.

"Then you leave?" Luna asked, "I was just upset that you didn't tell me, baby" Luna blushed at the name, "I'm sorry" they said at the same time, Jason chuckled and wrapped his arms around Luna's waist and looked down at her Luna kissed him first.

Jason kissed her back but soon pulled away from her, knowing that there was people looking for her. "Your mom's here" Jason said as they started walking back to the school.

"Oh I in trouble" Luna said making Jason look at her. Why would this innocent little unicorn be in trouble?

"What did you do?" Jason asked "I slap Kylie" Luna said very bluntly and in a delighted tone.
Jason started laughing he could imagine Kylie's face after she got slapped. Priceless. "I should have been there" Jason said laughing even harder.
Once they were back in the school Luna went with her mom and the principal. Jason was sent back to class.

Hey I decided to update early cause why not.
Tell me what you think. I read all the comments
Bye 😆

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