•Just a Lil Sad•

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Luna was currently at home she didn't go to school today cause she didn't feel like going and facing Jason. Jason wasn't mad that Luna didn't come to school he was just a little upset that's all. After Jason came back the other day, Val told him that he must go and see his father and he can't object to it either.

Jason was hugely against the entire situation because he knew it would in a big debacle and he didn't have time for that. It was near the end of the day and it was time for Jason to go meet his father.

Jason took his slow and steady time to get there; he was in no rush to go see him at all. Meanwhile Jason stopped along the way and did everything in his power not go get there in time, he stopped in grocery store, supermarkets, local shops, the laundry mat, everything. Once Jason was finally at the shop he looked inside and saw him sitting by himself in a booth with a cup. Jason sighed and entered the shop, he walked over to him.

"Jason" James said holding his hand out for him to shake. Jason ignored it and took a seat, James sighed and sat down. Jason looked at him as he looked back at him.

"How's Val?" He asked, "Good" Jason responded. James knew he was going to get one word responses from Jason, He could see that Jason didn't want to be here at all.

"Are you still-" "No" Jason said cutting him off. "Good I met a lot of guys in prison that got locked up for the same things" "that's nice" Jason said.

James took a sip of his coffee "You're just so stubborn" James said while looking at Jason who was currently on his phone.

"Damn it Jason, Can you put away the phone and talk to me!" He yelled Jason looked up at him and put away his phone.

"Thank you" James said. "Still a fucking hot head aren't you?" Jason asked James looked up at him.

"What did you just say to me?" James asked griping tightly on to the mug.

"You're still a fucking hot head, Can't even control your anger after all these years, that is a shame James...just really, really sad" Jason said looking at him with glazed eyes.

"Gosh Jason, why do you hate me so much?" James asked making Jason chuckle.

Is he being serious?

"Cause you're a pathetic excuse of a father, You've never been there for me and then when you come out of jail, you want to meet up and be all buddy-buddy like we have a relationship. We've never had a relationship and we never will" Jason said

"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to raise a mistake!" James yelled.

"What?" Jason asked. Did he just call him a mistake?

"You heard me, your nothing more than a mistake, we never planned to have you. Hell I never even planned to be with Val, She was Just a one night thing and then you came along and ruined everything for me, you ruined my life" Jason jaw clenched. He was lying...but what if he wasn't?

"Fuck you, you dirty old bastard, you will never be my father!" Jason yelled

"I don't want to be the father to a screw up like you anyways" James yelled back. Jason got up and left the shop.

He was beyond, he knew this wouldn't end in satisfactory, He knew this would be a big misconception, but he still went anyways and now he's angry, upset and confused.

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