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Hi, my name is Liam Cross. I have a question for you. Have you ever read one of those nerd/jock romances? If you have then you are all too familiar with the cute, small nerd type, right?

He would never hurt a soul and never, ever, hate anyone, even the people that hurt him.
In stories like that the so-called "nerd" is always the one that wears glasses, has a 4.0 GPA, disgustingly nice to everyone he meets, right? Well, I hate those types.

Why you may ask? Oh but it's very simple, those types make the whole world think that if you wear glasses and always have your clothes on point, you're supposed to be a fucking saint.

I'm a perfect example of why I believe that.
Since as long as I can remember I have been wearing glasses, making sure I kept good grades and looking after my appearance.
The only problem is with my personality.

You still don't get it? Okay...

Picture the lovable twink with glasses, button nose, scrawny arms, laughing about and just being nice and shit.
Okay? Do you have it in your head? Now keep the body but give the personality a huge 180° spin.
That's me.

It all started back when I began my first day at middle school. I was excited and scared just like any other kid my age. Who would I meet? Would it be nice? Would I make friends?
I made sure to pack in extra lunch just for those bastards they call children at school in hopes that I would make, at least, one friend.

When I entered my first class it was all normal, everyone trying to make a good impression so that the other kids could like them. Oh, and me being the naive little child I was back then tried to do the same. Luckily I got talking to this one kid who seemed nice, he was nervous just like I was and we became friends, or so I thought, over those few minutes that we had classes.

When it came time to have our free time, the first thing I did was look for him. I went to the playfield and found him standing with a group of other boys. I beelined straight to him.
As I walked to him I saw one of the other boys whisper in his ear while looking at me. He turned around immediately and faced me.
Now I have to admit I was a midget even at my age and let's say the majority...OKAY...ALL of the other kids were way taller then I was.

I stopped in front of him and just as I was about to speak, he fucking pushed me. I fell ass first on the ground while everyone laughed at me. It didn't even register in my puny mind back then what happened. I remember feeling hurt, sad and scared. My eyes started to tear up and I couldn't stop it. I looked up into his face and do you know what I saw?

A gigantic smile on the little demons face. Right there was when my mind just snapped. The hurt and sadness were instantly replaced with anger, Blood boiling anger. I jumped up off the ground and shocked him. I latched onto his arm and sank my teeth right into his shoulder.

I kept on biting untill I heard him scream out in pain, he tried to unlatch my teeth from his shoulder but only made me sink further in. I felt someone wrap their arms around my shoulders, pulling me off. When they finally got me off and calmed me down enough to not wanna go after him again. I looked at him, straight into his eyes.

I saw fear in his eyes, not just his alone, all the kids around him also, and you know, I didn't even care, I just wanted to make him feel what I felt. Pain.

They learned a very valuable lesson that day, Never fuck with me again. Afterward, we landed up in the principles office. He did not look happy to have to deal with a problem on the very first day of school, but I just didn't care about him being happy or not. I just wanted to tell him what this ass of a kid did to me.

The principal asked the ass to speak first and explain what happened, to nobody's surprise he lied about pushing me and saying that u just attacked him for no reason at all, to top it all off he had all his lackeys lie for him. Of course, I told the principal that every word that came out of that demon and his lackey's mouth was a lie but we all know whose side he chose...ass.

He phoned my mother to inform her about the little love bite I gave the jerk, I mean it wasn't even that big, it was red, but not big! He was just being a coward!

Anyway, my mom came to pick me up. When we got home she took all my toys AND my new comic books away, saying that I have to learn to play nice with other children. I never even bothered to explain to her what really happened, I knew she'd say I was lying just like the damn principle.

When she left my room and slammed the door shut locking it. I ran for my bed face-first into my pillows. I couldn't control the tears that began to fall from my eyes. It was just so unfair for this to happen to me.

I learned important things that day.
1)never try to be nice to people that don't deserve it.
2) People will always lie to get themselves out of trouble.
3) I hated people.


Hey guys!!*waves frantically*

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

I tried to make Liam one of those brooding, "I hate people" kind of characters.

I have an AMAZING plot in mind and I think/know your gonna it!!

Please comment and don't hold back, I need to improve my writing and the only way is if I get the help of you guys.

Don't forget to tell your buddies also!

Love you guys 💖

A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now