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Liam's P.O.V

We ended up on the sofa, me on the right side and Melissa on the left. I gave her a blanket and her bowl of popcorn, that's as nice as I'm gonna be. It's getting to the juicy parts of Teen Wolf. I couldn't believe that they would kill Allison like that.

I mean she contributed so much and she was the hottest, of the females of course,just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't notice beauty where there is.

I sneak a glance over at Melissa and she looks bored out of her mind. I'm just going to ignore her, I won't let her ruin my freedom even if it's just a few more hours until mom gets back. Turns out she wasn't planning the same thing.

"How can you watch this, the whole idea of being an actor is to make your audience believe you. This is just-"

"Okay! That's enough" I said interrupting her.

"What? Can't take a little criticism or are you just are you going to cry like a little girl now."She says mocking me.

"Oh no I can take criticism, it's just you snarky bitchs that make me want to tear your head off," I say with a friendly tone.

Before she can respond I put my finger up and shush her.

"Listen here you midget, I have had a hard day today, this "fake acting" is helping me release some of my stress and ill be damned if I let some ginger with a bad attitude try to ruin it. My house my rules, so you either shut the fuck up or get the fuck out." I'm breathing heavily when I'm done.

She just stares at me for a while with a shocked face like she wasn't expecting it.

"Well shit, look who grew a pair. Don't worry I won't give you another reason to throw a bitch fit." She says with a smirk.

I just huff and go back to watching my werewolves. She goes to the toilet in between a few times but other than that she doesn't interrupt me. The episode's credits start to come up. I reach to pit the next one on but I can feel her staring at me. I look over at her and she's looking at me like a hawk.

"What?" I ask her.

As if she realizes she's been staring at me she snaps out of it and diverts her attention to the TV. Huh, that was weird. I just ignore it and go back to grab the remote when I hear her speak.

"How do you do it?" She whispers.

I almost didn't hear it if she wasn't sitting so close.

"How do I do what?" I ask her frowning.

She looks like she wasn't expecting me to hear but she goes on.

"How are you happy?" She asks looking baffled.

"What do you mean?" Although I think I have an idea.

"I mean you get pushed around a lot, the names they call you would even make the Pope cry and you have no friends because nobody wants to be friends with the certified school queer, no offense." She asks seriously.

I look at her and everything she says starts to sink in. It's normal for me to deal with it so it doesn't affect me but hearing someone else map out my whole school life, it sounds fucking depressing.

I look down into my lap contemplating what she just said.

"My life may be sad, hell it is sad and fucking depressing....but if I let all this get to me, the bullying, name-calling, all of that then it would never stop. Why am I happy? I'm not happy, trust me I'm far from it. The word I would use is....patient. there's nothing I can do now that may stop it but further down the line when I'm done with school and I have a reputation, maybe then I can make a difference. So giving up right now is not an option. For the sake of myself and maybe others as well that's going through the same thing as me." I say while looking at my lap.

I look up at her and there's a small wet trail down her cheek and there's water on the rim of her eyes.

"Wow, are u crying?"I ask with shock.

She wipes away the remnants of her tears with her sleeve.

"No you fucktard! It's just your story is so fucking gay and boring, it made me tired."

Instantly she fucking ruins the mood and makes me hate her more for mocking me.

I try to ignore what she just said and go back to putting the next episode on.

"You better fucking mean it." She murmurs.

"What ?!" I ask with anger clear in my voice. I mean who the hell is she to tell me that I'm talking shit.

"Everything you just said, it's easy to say shit like that and sound like a hero, but I hope that you fucking mean it because otherwise I just lost all respect I had towards you." She says with emotion inside her eyes that I recognize well.

"Well you didn't have any respect, to begin with, so I don't miss out on much," I say sarcastically.

She starts to get tense, Her shoulders become more rigid and she looks on guard. I look back towards the TV while answering her.

"I mean every fucking thing I said, so don't try to tell me what I should and shouldn't say," I say softly but loud enough for her to hear.

I can feel the tension in her start to flow out and her shoulders and body begin to relax.

We don't say anything to each other but this silence is different from the ones we usually have. Instead of malice and hatred in the atmosphere for one another. It's one of understanding and.....calmness.

I felt something change that night with Melissa, a good change. Somehow I feel closer to her now. I'm not saying be became BFs overnight but we came to a common ground with each other.

At first, I thought she gave me so much shit because she just generally hated gays, or just me. But looking back at all the things she said to me and how expressionless she was, it was more like she was testing me to see my reaction, and I can't for the life of me understand why.


Ooohhhh my baby is a softie at heart😢.

He always knows how to make mama tear up *sniff*.

What did you guys think of Melissa?

Do you think I'm on the right track with Liam?

And I'm thinking of making a P.O.V for Jacob....should I?

Once again thanks guys and I hope you comment, vote and like on this amazing book 🐻.

Love you guys 💞 💞.

I'm out ✌

A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now