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Liam's P.O.V

You know there used to be some pretty awesome advantages to being secluded. I didn't have to make conversation with anyone. Peer pressure? I never even knew what those words meant. Friends? I never needed them. All they were good for was stabbing you in your back and kicking you while your down.

So one can imagine how fucking stupid I feel for letting her words get to me. That witch, she-devil. Me letting my guard down was my own fault. Me thinking that maybe, just maybe there was going to be people besides mom and Melissa who accepts me. But no. I was so wrong.

Right now, lying on Melissa's bed. I really fucking regret getting up and out of my little secluded shell.

Then you wouldn't have met Jacob.

Jacob. My Jacob.

The boy who's responsible for breaking me down and building me up. Who I love wholeheartedly. Why does it have to be like this? Everything was going perfect. I finally accepted that he's not leaving me. He likes me. Loves me. Now his mother is going to be the cause of us breaking up.

He hasn't done it yet. But she's probably filling his mind with stories of how I want his money. How I never loved him. She's so wrong but. . . How am I going to compare to the women that gave him life? If she told him to leave me. . .
I don't know what I would do. Could do.

I can tell by how much he smiles when he talks about his sister. How proud he is of his brother. That he loves his family. Maybe more than me. I don't want him to choose between me and them but he probably will have to.

My thoughts come to a halt when someone shoves me to the side.

"I swear to god Liam if you blackout one more time, I will throw you with sewage water straight from the drain," Melissa says laying next to me.

After my mom came to fetch me. I asked her to drop me by Melissa. She tried to get me to talk but I couldn't. I needed someone to talk to. But not her. She'll probably go down there and kill Cecilia. Making the situation between Jacob and me worse than it is now.

My phone vibrates on my lap and I see Jacob flash. This is about the 10th time he called me. I want to hear his voice so bad right now, to soothe me. Reassure me that nothing is wrong. But at the same time, I want to ignore it. That small voice at the back of my mind returning full blast. Making me doubt it's to make me feel better. That he's calling to break up.

I haven't done anything wrong. There's a chance (a very big one) that he just wants to know why I left. Where I am. But I'm still too scared. I can't control my mind, making up all these scenarios up and the funny thing is, most of my thoughts don't even make sense.

"Okay, that's it!" She says as she gets up.

"Wait!" I grab her arm.

"You've been zoning out since you got here. What happened Liam?" She asks normally but I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Jacob's mom hates me," I say letting her go and laying back down.

"What do you mean?"

"She called me a gold digger and told me I'm not good enough for her son. That his supposed to get married to some other woman that really deserves him. I mean where the fuck does she get off saying shit like that? Does she know me! I'll -"

"Calm down there Felicia. Tell me from the beginning." She says sitting back down.

I recount the events to her while she sits and listens. My tears come back but I keep them back and continue.

"So. . .  His mother hates you?" She asks.

"Yeah," I say defeated.

"Jacob didn't break up with you?" I hear a little irritation in her voice.

"No, he didn't but-"

"So why in the holy fuck are you here!" She screams at me and throws me with a cushion.

"What the hell Melissa!?" I shout back.

"You're obviously letting your stupid ass emotions get in the way, and clearly don't know how to act like a man so I'll tell you. You're going to get off my bed, go to Jacob. Tell him what his mother said to you. Let him decide if he wants to leave you, which I highly fucking doubt he would, and if he breaks it off then only do you come to me." She says seriously.


"I'm not kidding Liam. You have to go to him. You know it takes two people to have a relationship right? It's not just you. So give him a chance Liam. Has he ever disappointed? " She says softly.

"What if he leaves me?" I say looking down.

"What if he doesn't? You won't know if you don't go to him."

I sit there and contemplate what she said. When I reach my decision I stand up and grab my jacket.

"Okay," I say with a sigh.

"Okay." She says back.

I give her a hug and exit her room.

I go down the steps. I say goodbye to her mom and step outside. Just as I start walking my phone starts to vibrate again. I take a huge breath and release it slowly.

"Hey," I say softly.

"Liam? Where have you been? I've called like a million times! You worried me." He says. I hear cars so that means he's on the road.

"Jacob, we need to talk."

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asks worriedly.

"No, I'm fine. I just want to talk to you. Can we meet up?"

"I'll pick you up. Where are you?"


I give him directions.

"Oh and Liam." He says just before I disconnect.

"Yeah?" I ask cautiously.

"Don't ever run away from me again." He says seriously.

The intensity of his voice makes my eyes brim with tears. I was so stupid. Melissa was right.

"Yeah, I won't. Promise." I say softly.

"Good." I can hear the relief in his voice.

"I'll see you in a few. I love you"

"Love you too."


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And many hugs from me.💕

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A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now